- Global - Stores the Global state of the game; the current Round number, and the random number from the previous Round.
- round: u64
- number: u64
- bump: u8
- Round - Stores the state of each Round of gameplay; compares itself to, then updates Global at the end of each Round.
- round: u64
- number: u64
- outcome: u8 | 0 == false (lower/under), 1 == true (over/higher), 2 == same, 3 == round is being played/not-yet-concluded
- bump: u8
- Bet - Stores the bets made by each player; 1 per player per Round.
- bet: u8 | 0 or 1
- amount: u64 | made in SOL
- round: u64
- bump: u8
InitGlobalC - Initializes the Global Account. Signed by the House pubkey.
- Accounts:
- House: Signer
- Global (init)
- PDA of Program + House pubkey
- SystemProgram
- Accounts:
InitRoundC - Initializes a new Round Account. Signed by the House or a Thread.
- Accounts:
- House or thread: Signer
- Global PDA
- Round (init)
- PDA of Global + _round u64
- vault (init)
- PDA of Round
- SystemProgram
- Accounts:
InitBetC - Initializes a new Bet account for the user; 1 per player. Signed by the player.
- Accounts:
- player: Signer
- Global PDA
- Round PDA
- vault PDA
- Bet Account
- PDA of Round + player's pubkey
- SystemProgram
- Accounts:
PlayRoundC - Takes an existing round, and generates a random number for that round, and updates the Global Account. Signed by a thread.
- Accounts:
- thread: Signer
- house
- Global (mut)
- Round (mut)
- Accounts:
ResolveBetC - Resolves Bet accounts after a Round has been played. Signed by a thread, or the player.
- Accounts:
- player/thread: Signer
- house
- Global
- Round
- Bet (close = player)
- Accounts: