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uptimerobot is a Go library and command-line client for the UptimeRobot website monitoring service. It allows you to search for existing monitors, delete monitors, create new monitors, and also inspect your account details and alert contacts.

Installing the command-line client

To install the client binary, run:

go get -u

Running the command-line client in Docker

To use the client in a Docker container, run:

docker container run bitfield/uptimerobot

Using the command-line client

To see help on using the client, run:

uptimerobot -h

To use the client with your UptimeRobot account, you will need the Main API Key for the account. Go to the UptimeRobot Settings page and click 'Show/hide it' under the 'Main API Key' section.

Copy the key to the clipboard and pass it to the uptimerobot client using the --apiKey flag like this (replace XXX with your own API key):

uptimerobot --apiKey XXX account

You should see your account details listed:

Email: [email protected]
Monitor limit: 300
Monitor interval: 1
Up monitors: 208
Down monitors: 2
Paused monitors: 0

If you get an error message, double-check you have the correct API key:

2018/07/12 16:04:26 API error: {
 "message": "api_key not found.",
 "parameter_name": "api_key",
 "passed_value": "XXX",
 "type": "invalid_parameter"

Listing contacts

The uptimerobot contacts command will list your configured alert contacts by ID number:

uptimerobot --apiKey XXX contacts
ID: 0102759
Name: Jay Random
Type: 2
Status: 2
Value: [email protected]

ID: 2053888
Name: Slack
Type: 11
Status: 2

This will be useful when you create a new monitor, because you can add the contact IDs which should be alerted when the check fails (see 'Creating a new monitor' below).

Listing or searching for monitors

Use uptimerobot search to list all monitors whose 'friendly name' or check URL match a certain string:

uptimerobot --apiKey XXX search
ID: 780689017
Name: website
Type: HTTP
Keyword type: 0
Keyword value:

(Use uptimerobot monitors to list all existing monitors.)

If there are no monitors found matching your search, the exit status of the command will be 1. Otherwise it will be 0. This can be useful in automation scripts for checking whether or not a given monitor already exists.

Deleting monitors

Note the ID number of the monitor you want to delete, and run uptimerobot delete:

uptimerobot --apiKey XXX delete 780689017
Monitor ID 780689017 deleted

Creating a new monitor

Run uptimerobot new URL NAME to create a new monitor:

uptimerobot --apiKey XXX new " website"
New monitor created with ID 780689018

To create a new monitor with alert contacts configured, use the -c flag followed by a comma-separated list of contact IDs, with no spaces:

uptimerobot --apiKey XXX new -c 0102759,2053888 " website"
New monitor created with ID 780689019

Using the Go library

If the command-line client doesn't do quite what you need, or if you want to use UptimeRobot API access in your own programs, import the library using:

import ""

Create a new Client object by calling uptimerobot.New() with an API key:

client = uptimerobot.New(apiKey)

Once you have a client, you can use it to call various UptimeRobot API features:

monitors, err := client.GetMonitors()
if err != nil {
for _, m := range monitors {

Most API operations use the Monitor struct, which looks like this:

type Monitor struct {
        ID           int64  `json:"id"`
        FriendlyName string `json:"friendly_name"`
        URL          string `json:"url"`

For example, to delete a monitor, first create a new Monitor variable and set its ID field to the ID of the monitor you want to delete. Then pass it to DeleteMonitor():

m := uptimerobot.Monitor{
        ID: 780689017,
new, err := client.DeleteMonitor(m)
if err != nil {

To call an UptimeRobot API verb not implemented by the uptimerobot library, you can use the MakeAPICall() method directly:

r := uptimerobot.Response{}
p := uptimerobot.Params{
        "id": 780689017,
if err := client.MakeAPICall("deleteMonitor", &r, p); err != nil {

The API response is returned in the Response struct. If the call fails, MakeAPICall() will return the error message. Otherwise, the requested data will be available in the appropriate field of the Response struct:

type Response struct {
        Stat          string         `json:"stat"`
        Account       Account        `json:"account"`
        Monitors      []Monitor      `json:"monitors"`
        Monitor       Monitor        `json:"monitor"`
        AlertContacts []AlertContact `json:"alert_contacts"`
        Error         Error          `json:"error"`

For example, when deleting a monitor, as in the above example, the ID of the deleted monitor will be returned as r.Monitor.ID.

Bugs and feature requests

If you find a bug in the uptimerobot client or library, please open an issue. Similarly, if you'd like a feature added or improved, let me know via an issue.

Not all the functionality of the UptimeRobot API is implemented yet.

Pull requests welcome!