An input JSON file includes all input parameters and metadata for running pipelines. Items 1), 2) and 3) are mandatory. Items 4) and 5) are optional so that our pipeline will use default values if they are not defined. However,
- Mandatory
- Reference genome.
- Input data file paths/URIs.
- Adapters to be trimmed.
- Optional
- Pipeline parameters.
- Resource settings for jobs.
We provide two template JSON files for both single ended and paired-end samples. We recommend to use one of these input JSON files instead of that used in the tutorial section. These template JSON files include all parameters of the pipeline with default values defined.
Let us take a close look at the following template JSON. Comments are not allowed in a JSON file but we added some comments to help you understand each parameter.
////////// 1) Reference genome //////////
// Stanford servers: [GENOME]=hg38,hg19,mm10,mm9
// Sherlock: /home/groups/cherry/encode/pipeline_genome_data/[GENOME]_sherlock.tsv
// SCG4: /reference/ENCODE/pipeline_genome_data/[GENOME]_scg.tsv
// Cloud platforms (Google Cloud, DNAnexus): [GENOME]=hg38,hg19,mm10,mm9
// Google Cloud: gs://encode-pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_google.tsv
// DNAnexus: dx://project-BKpvFg00VBPV975PgJ6Q03v6:pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_dx.tsv
// DNAnexus(Azure): dx://project-F6K911Q9xyfgJ36JFzv03Z5J:pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_dx_azure.tsv
// On other computers download or build reference genome database and pick a TSV from [DEST_DIR].
// Downloader: ./genome/ [GENOME] [DEST_DIR]
// Builder (Conda required): ./conda/ [GENOME] [DEST_DIR]
// You can also build genome database for your own genome if you have a reference fasta file (.fa or .2bit)
// However, some important genome data files like blacklist and annotation files (tss/dnase/prom/enh/...)
// will be missing. Without these files, pipeline will skip some analysis steps.
// This is a single TSV file to define all genome specific files/parameters.
"atac.genome_tsv" : "/path_to_genome_data/hg38/hg38.tsv",
// You can also specify genome data files/parameters outside the TSV file.
// These parameters will override those defined in the TSV file.
// If you are using .tsv file generated by our downloader/builder
// then you don't need to define these.
"atac.ref_fa" : "",
"atac.bowtie2_idx_tar" : "",
"atac.chrsz" : "",
"atac.blacklist" : "",
"atac.gensz" : "",
// annotation data files for ATAqC
"atac.tss" : "",
"atac.dnase" : "",
"atac.prom" : "",
"atac.enh" : "",
"atac.reg2map" : "",
"atac.reg2map_bed" : "",
"atac.roadmap_meta" : "",
////////// 2) Input data files paths/URIs //////////
// Read endedness for ALL replicates
"atac.paired_end" : true,
// This will allow you to handle a mixed-endedness case.
// If the above paired_end is not defined.
// You can define endedness for each replicate.
// e.g. PE for rep1, SE for rep2
"atac.paired_ends" : [true, false],
// If you start from FASTQs then define these, otherwise remove from this file.
// You can define up to 10 replicates.
// FASTQs in an array will be merged after trimming adapters.
// For example,
// "rep1_R1_L1.fastq.gz", "rep1_R1_L2.fastq.gz" and "rep1_R1_L3.fastq.gz" will be merged together.
"atac.fastqs_rep1_R1" : [ "rep1_R1_L1.fastq.gz", "rep1_R1_L2.fastq.gz", "rep1_R1_L3.fastq.gz" ],
"atac.fastqs_rep1_R2" : [ "rep1_R2_L1.fastq.gz", "rep1_R2_L2.fastq.gz", "rep1_R2_L3.fastq.gz" ],
"atac.fastqs_rep2_R1" : [ "rep2_R1_L1.fastq.gz", "rep2_R1_L2.fastq.gz" ],
"atac.fastqs_rep2_R2" : [ "rep2_R2_L1.fastq.gz", "rep2_R2_L2.fastq.gz" ],
// If you start from BAMs then define these, otherwise remove from this file.
// You can define up to 10 replicates. The following example array has two replicates.
"atac.bams" : [
// If you start from filtered/deduped BAMs then define these, otherwise remove from this file.
// You can define up to 10 replicates. The following example array has two replicates.
"atac.nodup_bams" : [
// If you start from TAG-ALIGNs then define these, otherwise remove from this file.
// You can define up to 10 replicates. The following example array has two replicates.
"atac.tas" : [
////////// 3) Adapters to be trimmed //////////
// You can use auto-detection for adapters.
// List of adapters can be detected:
"atac.auto_detect_adapter" : false,
// You can define an adapter sequence for ALL fastqs
// If defined, this will override below adapter sequence definition for individual fastqs
"atac.adapter" : "AATTCCGG",
// If you don't start from FASTQs, remove these adapter arrays from this file.
// else if you chooose to use auto-detection for adapters, then remove adapter arrays from this file.
// Otherwise define adapters for each FASTQ.
// Adapters should have the same dimension as FASTQs.
"atac.adapters_rep1_R1" : [ "AATTCCGG", "AATTCCGG", "AATTCCGG" ],
"atac.adapters_rep1_R2" : [ "AATTCCGG", "AATTCCGG" ],
"atac.adapters_rep2_R1" : [ "AATTCCGG", "AATTCCGG", "AATTCCGG" ],
"atac.adapters_rep2_R2" : [ "AATTCCGG", "AATTCCGG" ],
////////// 4) Pipeline parameters //////////
// Pipeline title and description
"atac.title" : "Example (paired end)",
"atac.description" : "This is a template input JSON for paired ended sample.",
// Pipeline type (atac or dnase). DNase-Seq pipeline is not an official ENCODE pipeline yet.
"atac.pipeline_type" : "atac",
// Pipeline will not proceed to post alignment steps (peak-calling, ...).
// You will get QC report for alignment only.
"atac.align_only" : false,
// Pipeline will not generate pseudo replicates and will skip all analyses related to them.
"atac.true_rep_only" : false,
// cutadapt (trim_adapter) parameters (default: min_trim_len=5, err_rate=0.1)
"atac.cutadapt_param" : "-e 0.1 -m 5",
// Enable count signal track generation
"atac.enable_count_signal_track" : false,
// multimapping reads
"atac.multimapping" : 0,
// bowtie2 parameters for each read-endedness (single-ended, paired-end).
// See bowtie2 --help for details.
"atac.bowtie2_param_pe" : "-X2000 --mm --local",
"atac.bowtie2_param_se" : "--local",
// Choose a dup marker between picard and sambamba
// picard is recommended, use sambamba only when picard fails.
"atac.dup_marker" : "picard",
// Threshold for mapped reads quality (samtools view -q)
"atac.mapq_thresh" : 30,
// Skip dup removal in a BAM filtering stage.
"atac.no_dup_removal" : false,
// Name of mito chromosome. THIS IS NOT A REG-EX! you can define only one chromosome name for mito.
"atac.mito_chr_name" : "chrM",
// Regular expression to filter out reads with given chromosome name (1st column of BED/TAG-ALIGN)
// Any read with chr name that matches with this reg-ex pattern will be removed from outputs
// If your have changed the above parameter "atac.mito_chr_name" and still want to filter out mito reads,
// then make sure that "atac.mito_chr_name" and "atac.regex_filter_reads" are the same.
"atac.regex_filter_reads" : "chrM",
// Subsample reads (0: no subsampling)
// Subsampled reads will be used for all downsteam analyses including peak-calling
"atac.subsample_reads" : 0,
// Cross-correlation analysis
"atac.enable_xcor" : false,
// Subsample reads for cross-corr. analysis only (0: no subsampling)
// Subsampled reads will be used for cross-corr. analysis only
"atac.xcor_subsample_reads" : 25000000,
// Keep irregular chromosome names
// Use this for custom genomes without canonical chromosome names (chr1, chrX, ...)
"atac.keep_irregular_chr_in_bfilt_peak" : false,
// Cap number of peaks called from a peak-caller (MACS2)
"atac.cap_num_peak" : 300000,
// P-value threshold for MACS2 (macs2 callpeak -p)
"atac.pval_thresh" : 0.01,
// Smoothing window for MACS2 (macs2 callpeak --shift -smooth_win/2 --extsize smooth_win)
"atac.smooth_win" : 150,
// IDR (irreproducible discovery rate)
"atac.enable_idr" : false,
// Threshold for IDR
"atac.idr_thresh" : 0.1,
// ATAqC (annotation-based analysis which include TSS enrichment and etc.)
"atac.disable_ataqc" : false,
////////// 5) Resource settings //////////
// Resources defined here are PER REPLICATE.
// Therefore, total number of cores will be "atac.bowtie2_cpu" x [NUMBER_OF_REPLICATES]
// because bowtie2 is a bottlenecking task of the pipeline.
// Use this total number of cores if you manually qsub or sbatch your job (using local mode of our pipeline).
// "disks" is used for Google Cloud and DNAnexus only.
"atac.trim_adapter_cpu" : 2,
"atac.trim_adapter_mem_mb" : 12000,
"atac.trim_adapter_time_hr" : 24,
"atac.trim_adapter_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD",
"atac.bowtie2_cpu" : 4,
"atac.bowtie2_mem_mb" : 20000,
"atac.bowtie2_time_hr" : 48,
"atac.bowtie2_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD",
"atac.filter_cpu" : 2,
"atac.filter_mem_mb" : 20000,
"atac.filter_time_hr" : 24,
"atac.filter_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD",
"atac.bam2ta_cpu" : 2,
"atac.bam2ta_mem_mb" : 10000,
"atac.bam2ta_time_hr" : 6,
"atac.bam2ta_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD",
"atac.spr_mem_mb" : 16000,
"atac.xcor_cpu" : 2,
"atac.xcor_mem_mb" : 16000,
"atac.xcor_time_hr" : 6,
"atac.xcor_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD",
"atac.macs2_mem_mb" : 16000,
"atac.macs2_time_hr" : 24,
"atac.macs2_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD",
"atac.ataqc_mem_mb" : 16000,
// make sure that ataqc_mem_java_mb < ataqc_mem_mb
"atac.ataqc_mem_java_mb" : 15000,
"atac.ataqc_time_hr" : 24,
"atac.ataqc_disks" : "local-disk 100 HDD"
We currently support 4 genomes. You can download following supported genomes from our repo. You can also build a genome database for your own genome.
genome | source | built from |
hg38 | ENCODE | GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set_GCA_000001405 |
mm10 | ENCODE | mm10_no_alt_analysis_set_ENCODE |
hg19 | UCSC | GRCh37/hg19 |
mm9 | UCSC | mm9, NCBI Build 37 |
Choose one TSV file for "atac.genome_tsv"
in your input JSON. [GENOME]
should be hg38
, mm10
, hg19
or mm9
platform | path/URI |
Google Cloud Platform | gs://encode-pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_google.tsv |
DNAnexus (CLI) | dx://project-BKpvFg00VBPV975PgJ6Q03v6:pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_dx.tsv |
DNAnexus (CLI, Azure) | dx://project-F6K911Q9xyfgJ36JFzv03Z5J:pipeline-genome-data/[GENOME]_dx_azure.tsv |
DNAnexus (Web) | Choose [GENOME]_dx.tsv from here |
DNAnexus (Web, Azure) | Choose [GENOME]_dx.tsv from here |
Stanford Sherlock | /home/groups/cherry/encode/pipeline_genome_data/[GENOME]_sherlock.tsv |
Stanford SCG | /reference/ENCODE/pipeline_genome_data/[GENOME]_scg.tsv |
Local/SLURM/SGE/PBS | You need to download or build a genome database. |