dqy - a DNS query tool
Transport options:
- +udp
Uses UDP for sending DNS messages. This is used by default. Default port is 53.
- +tcp
Uses TCP for sending DNS messages. This is used by default for AXFR query and if truncation bit if set in response. Default port is 53.
- +tls, +dot
Uses DNS over TLS protocol for transmitting DNS messages. Default port is 853.
- +https, +doh
Uses DNS over HTTPS protocol for transmitting DNS messages. Default port is 443.
- -p=<PORT#>, --port=<PORT#>
Uses PORT# instead of the standard ports of the transport.
- -4
Uses only IPV4 addresses.
- -6
Uses only IPV6 addresses.
EDNS options:
- +dau
Set the DNSSEC Algorithm Understood (DAU) option.
- +dhu
Set DS Hash Understood (DHU) option.
Verbose options:
- +v
Prints out information messages on stderr.
- +vv, +v2
Prints out information and warning messages on stderr.
- +vvv, +v3
Prints out information, warning and error messages on stderr.
- +vvvv, +v4
Prints out information, warning and error messages on stderr.
- +vvvvv, +v5
Prints out all trace messages on stderr.
- 0
Success. Image is a picture of a life form.
- 1
Failure. Image is not a picture of a life form.
query root servers: dqy
query A record using configured resolvers: dqy A www.google.com
query A record using a specific resolver: dqy A www.google.com @