Equivalent of npm init
in Go
go mod init < module_name>
go mod init
is used to initialize a new module.
It creates a new go.mod
file in the current directory.
The go.mod
file contains information about the module, its dependencies, and the Go version.
Equivalent of npm run start
in Go
go run
is used to compile and run a Go program.
It compiles the program and executes it.
Equivalent of npm install <package_name>
in Go
go get
is not a package manager.
go get
is used to download and install packages from remote repositories.
It does not handle versioning.
This command fetches the package and its dependencies (if any)
Equivalent of package.json
in Go
It contains information about the module, its dependencies, and the Go version.
Equivalent of npm install
in Go
go mod tidy
is used to add missing and remove unused modules.
It updates the go.mod file to use the latest version of the dependencies.
Equivalent of JSON.stringify()
in Go
import "encoding/json"
func main () {
data := map [string ]interface {}{
"name" : "John Doe" ,
"age" : 30 ,
jsonString , err := json .Marshal (data )
if err != nil {
fmt .Println (err )
fmt .Println (string (jsonString ))
is used to convert a Go data structure to a JSON string.
Equivalent of JSON.parse()
in Go
import "encoding/json"
func main () {
jsonString := `{"name":"John Doe","age":30}`
var data map [string ]interface {}
err := json .Unmarshal ([]byte (jsonString ), & data )
if err != nil {
fmt .Println (err )
fmt .Println (data )
is used to convert a JSON string to a Go data structure.
Equivalent of nodemon
in Go
go install github.com/cosmtrek/air@latest
is a live reload tool for Go applications.
It watches for file changes and automatically rebuilds and restarts the application.
It is similar to nodemon
in the Node.js ecosystem.
There are other tools like fresh
which can also be used for live reloading in Go.
Equivalent of dotenv
in Go
go get github.com/joho/godotenv
is a Go package that loads environment variables from a .env
It is similar to dotenv
in the Node.js ecosystem.
It allows developers to store sensitive information like API keys, database URIs, etc., in a .env
file and load them into the application.
Code Example of Using godotenv
package main
import (
func main () {
err := godotenv .Load (".env" )
if err != nil {
log .Fatal ("Error loading .env file" )
MONGODB_URI := os .Getenv ("MONGODB_URI" )
In this example, we load environment variables from a .env
file using godotenv.Load(".env")
We can then access the environment variables using os.Getenv("MONGODB_URI")
Equivalent of Express.js
in Go
go get github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2
is a web framework for Go that is inspired by Express.js.
It is fast, lightweight, and easy to use.
It provides a similar API to Express.js, making it easy for developers familiar with Express.js to transition to Go.
Other popular web frameworks in Go include Gin
and Echo
Equivalent of Express.js Middleware
in Go
func main () {
app := fiber .New ()
app .Use (middleware )
app .Get ("/" , func (c * fiber.Ctx ) error {
return c .SendString ("Hello, World!" )
app .Listen (":3000" )
func middleware (next http.Handler ) http.Handler {
return http .HandlerFunc (func (w http.ResponseWriter , r * http.Request ) {
// Middleware logic
// .
// .
// .
next .ServeHTTP (w , r )
In this example, we define a middleware function that takes the next
handler as an argument.
The middleware function wraps the next
handler and executes some logic before calling the next
Equivalent of Express.js Route Handling
in Go
func main () {
app := fiber .New ()
app .Get ("/" , helloHandler )
app .Listen (":3000" )
func helloHandler (c * fiber.Ctx ) error {
return c .SendString ("Hello, World!" )
In this example, we define a route handler function helloHandler
that sends a response back to the client.
We then register the route handler with the app.Get()
method, specifying the route path and the handler function.