import { useRef , useState } from "react" ;
import Image from "next/image" ;
import { Avatar , AvatarFallback , AvatarImage } from "@/components/ui/avatar" ;
import {
Dialog ,
DialogContent ,
DialogDescription ,
DialogHeader ,
DialogTitle ,
DialogTrigger ,
} from "@/components/ui/dialog" ;
import { Input } from "../ui/input" ;
import { Button } from "../ui/button" ;
import { ImageIcon , MessageSquareDiff } from "lucide-react" ;
import { users } from "@/dummy-data/db" ;
const UserListDialog = ( ) => {
const [ selectedUsers , setSelectedUsers ] = useState < Id < "users" > [ ] > ( [ ] ) ;
const [ groupName , setGroupName ] = useState ( "" ) ;
const [ isLoading , setIsLoading ] = useState ( false ) ;
const [ selectedImage , setSelectedImage ] = useState < File | null > ( null ) ;
const [ renderedImage , setRenderedImage ] = useState ( "" ) ;
const imgRef = useRef < HTMLInputElement > ( null ) ;
return (
< Dialog >
< DialogTrigger >
< MessageSquareDiff size = { 20 } />
</ DialogTrigger >
< DialogContent >
< DialogHeader >
{ /* TODO: <DialogClose /> will be here */ }
< DialogTitle > USERS</ DialogTitle >
</ DialogHeader >
< DialogDescription > Start a new chat</ DialogDescription >
{ renderedImage && (
< div className = 'w-16 h-16 relative mx-auto' >
< Image src = { renderedImage } fill alt = 'user image' className = 'rounded-full object-cover' />
</ div >
) }
{ /* TODO: input file */ }
{ selectedUsers . length > 1 && (
< >
< Input
placeholder = 'Group Name'
value = { groupName }
onChange = { ( e ) => setGroupName ( e . target . value ) }
< Button className = 'flex gap-2' >
< ImageIcon size = { 20 } />
Group Image
</ Button >
</ >
) }
< div className = 'flex flex-col gap-3 overflow-auto max-h-60' >
{ users ?. map ( ( user ) => (
< div
key = { user . _id }
className = { `flex gap-3 items-center p-2 rounded cursor-pointer active:scale-95
transition-all ease-in-out duration-300
${ selectedUsers . includes ( user . _id ) ? "bg-green-primary" : "" } ` }
onClick = { ( ) => {
if ( selectedUsers . includes ( user . _id ) ) {
setSelectedUsers ( selectedUsers . filter ( ( id ) => id !== user . _id ) ) ;
} else {
setSelectedUsers ( [ ...selectedUsers , user . _id ] ) ;
} }
< Avatar className = 'overflow-visible' >
{ user . isOnline && (
< div className = 'absolute top-0 right-0 w-2.5 h-2.5 bg-green-500 rounded-full border-2 border-foreground' />
) }
< AvatarImage src = { user . image } className = 'rounded-full object-cover' />
< AvatarFallback >
< div className = 'animate-pulse bg-gray-tertiary w-full h-full rounded-full' > </ div >
</ AvatarFallback >
</ Avatar >
< div className = 'w-full ' >
< div className = 'flex items-center justify-between' >
< p className = 'text-md font-medium' > { user . name || user . email . split ( "@" ) [ 0 ] } </ p >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
) ) }
</ div >
< div className = 'flex justify-between' >
< Button variant = { "outline" } > Cancel</ Button >
< Button
disabled = { selectedUsers . length === 0 || ( selectedUsers . length > 1 && ! groupName ) || isLoading }
{ /* spinner */ }
{ isLoading ? (
< div className = 'w-5 h-5 border-t-2 border-b-2 rounded-full animate-spin' />
) : (
) }
</ Button >
</ div >
</ DialogContent >
</ Dialog >
) ;
} ;
export default UserListDialog ;
STARTER CODE for video-ui-kit.tsx Component
import { ZegoUIKitPrebuilt } from "@zegocloud/zego-uikit-prebuilt" ;
function randomID ( len : number ) {
let result = "" ;
if ( result ) return result ;
var chars = "12345qwertyuiopasdfgh67890jklmnbvcxzMNBVCZXASDQWERTYHGFUIOLKJP" ,
maxPos = chars . length ,
i ;
len = len || 5 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
result += chars . charAt ( Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * maxPos ) ) ;
return result ;
export function getUrlParams ( url = window . location . href ) {
let urlStr = url . split ( "?" ) [ 1 ] ;
return new URLSearchParams ( urlStr ) ;
const appID = + process . env . NEXT_PUBLIC_ZEGO_APP_ID ! ;
const serverSecret = process . env . NEXT_PUBLIC_ZEGO_SERVER_SECRET ! ;
export default function VideoUIKit ( ) {
const roomID = getUrlParams ( ) . get ( "roomID" ) || randomID ( 5 ) ;
let myMeeting = ( element : HTMLDivElement ) => {
// generate Kit Token
const kitToken = ZegoUIKitPrebuilt . generateKitTokenForTest (
appID ,
serverSecret ,
roomID ,
randomID ( 5 ) ,
randomID ( 5 )
) ;
const zp = ZegoUIKitPrebuilt . create ( kitToken ) ;
zp . joinRoom ( {
container : element ,
sharedLinks : [
name : "Personal link" ,
url :
window . location . protocol +
"//" +
window . location . host +
window . location . pathname +
"?roomID=" +
roomID ,
} ,
] ,
scenario : {
mode : ZegoUIKitPrebuilt . GroupCall , // To implement 1-on-1 calls, modify the parameter here to [ZegoUIKitPrebuilt.OneONoneCall].
} ,
} ) ;
} ;
return < div className = 'myCallContainer' ref = { myMeeting } style = { { width : "100vw" , height : "100vh" } } > </ div > ;