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Human Body Reconstruction

There are tremendous amount of papers on human body digitization in recent years. Below shows my collection of papers organized in a reverse-chronological order.


  1. Multi-view Reconstruction
  2. Single-view Reconstruction
  3. 4D Scans

Multi-view Reconstruction

[ECCV18] Deep Volumetric Video From Very Sparse Multi-View Performance Capture [pdf]

[ECCV18] Bodynet: Volumetric inference of 3d human body shapes [pdf]

[CGF16] 3d body shapes estimation from dressed-human silhouettes [pdf]

[ICCV15] Interactive visual hull refinement for specular and transparent object surface reconstruction [pdf]

[HPG13] Real-time high-resolution sparse voxelization with application to image-based modeling [pdf]

[TOG08] Articulated Mesh Animation from Multi-view Silhouettes [project page] [pdf] [data]

[ECCV06] Carved visual hulls for image-based modeling [pdf]

[3DPVT06] Visual shapes of silhouette sets [pdf]

[CVIU04] Silhouette and stereo fusion for 3d object modeling [pdf]

[CVPR03] Visual hull alignment and refinement across time: A 3d reconstruction algorithm combining shape-from-silhouette with stereo [pdf]

[CGIT00] Image-based visual hulls [project page][pdf]

[UIST16] Holoportation: Virtual 3d teleportation in real-time [project page] [pdf]

[SIGGRAPH15] High-quality streamable free-viewpoint video [project page] [pdf]

[TVCG10] A point-cloud-based multiview stereo algorithm for free-viewpoint video [pdf]

[SIGGRAPH08] Markerless garment capture [project page][pdf]

[CGA07] Surface capture for performance-based animation [pdf]

[TVC05] Scalable 3d video of dynamic scenes [pdf]

[ICCV11] Shading-based dynamic shape refinement from multi-view video under general illumination [pdf]

[SIGGRAPH_Asia09] Dynamic shape capture using multi-view photometric stereo [project page] [pdf]

[TOG13] On-set performance capture of multiple actors with a stereo camera [pdf]

[ECCV12] Full body performance capture under uncontrolled and varying illumination: A shading-based approach [pdf]

[CVPR11] Markerless motion capture of interacting characters using multi-view image segmentation [pdf]

[SIGGRAPH_Asia10] Video-based reconstruction of animatable human characters [project page][pdf]

[SIGGRAPH08] Performance capture from sparse multi-view video [project page][pdf]

[CVPR09] Motion capture using joint skeleton tracking and surface estimation [pdf]

[CVPR08] Robust fusion of dynamic shape and normal capture for high-quality reconstruction of time-varying geometry [pdf]

[CVPR19] Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body from a Single Image [project page] [pdf]

[CVPR18 Oral] Total Capture: A 3D Deformation Model for Tracking Faces, Hands, and Bodies [project page] [pdf]

[CVPR18] End-to-end recovery of human shape and pose [project page] [code and data] [pdf]

[CVPR17] Unite the people: Closing the loop between 3d and 2d human representations [project page(code and data)] [pdf]

[BMVC17] Indirect deep structured learning for 3D human body shape and pose prediction [pdf]

[ECCV16] Keep it SMPL: Automatic estimation of 3d human pose and shape from a single image [code] [pdf]

[SIGGRAPH_Asia15] SMPL: A skinned multi-person linear model [project page][pdf]

[TOG14] Mosh: Motion and shape capture from sparse markers [project page] [pdf]

[CVPR10] Multilinear pose and body shape estimation of dressed subjects from image sets [pdf]

[ICCV09] Estimating Human Shape and Pose from a Single Image [pdf]

[CVPR07] Detailed human shape and pose from images [pdf]

[SIGGRAPH05] SCAPE: shape completion and animation of people [project page] [pdf]

[CVIU01] Tracking and modeling people in video sequences [pdf]

Single-view Reconstruction

[CVPR19 Oral] SiCloPe: Silhouette-Based Clothed People [pdf]

[CVPR19 Oral] Convolutional Mesh Regression for Single-Image Human Shape Reconstruction [pdf]

[CVPR19 Oral] Detailed Human Shape Estimation from a Single Image by Hierarchical mesh deformation [pdf]

[CVPR19] Learning to Reconstruct People in Clothing from a Single RGB Camera [project page] [pdf]

[CVPR19] SimulCap: Single-View Human Performance Capture with Cloth Simulation [pdf]

[CVPR19] Photo Wake-Up: 3D Character Animation from a Single Photo [project page] [pdf]

[TOG19] LiveCap: Real-time Human Performance Capture from Monocular Video [project page] [pdf]

[arxiv19] 3DPeople: Modeling the Geometry of Dressed Humans [pdf]

[arxiv19] Tex2Shape: Detailed Full Human Body Geometry from a Single Image [pdf]

[arxiv19] DeepHuman 3D Human Reconstruction from a Single Image [pdf]

[CVPR18] End-to-end recovery of human shape and pose [project page] [code and data] [pdf]

[3DV18] Neural Body Fitting: Unifying Deep Learning and Model-Based Human Pose [pdf]

[ICCV09] Estimating Human Shape and Pose from a Single Image [pdf]


[SIGGRAPH17] ClothCap: seamless 4D clothing capture and retargeting [project page] [pdf]

Datasets and Code

MPI datasets and code[Link]


Paper, dataset and code collection on human body reconstruction







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