ART is a retained mode vector drawing API designed for multiple output modes. There's also a built-in SVG parser. It uses Node style CommonJS modules.
The first line in your program should select rendering mode by requiring either:
- ./src/modes/canvas - HTML5 Canvas
- ./src/modes/svg - SVG for modern browsers and vector tools
- ./src/modes/vml - VML for Internet Explorer or Office
- ./src/modes/script - Code generation for ART modules
- ./src/modes/dom - SVG or VML depending on environment
- ./src/modes/fast - Canvas, SVG or VML depending on environment
These modules provide access to the core rendering classes:
- Surface - Required rectangular rendering area. Container for the rest.
- Group - Container for Shapes, Text or other Groups.
- Shape - Fill and/or stroke an arbitrary vector path.
- Text - Fill and/or stroke text content rendered using native fonts.
There are also helper classes to work with vector paths, 3x3 transformation matrices, colors, morphing, common shapes etc.