ToDo: Define method
pip install bakbone-learn
Note: For ODT implementations, please follow the instructions described in the libary to compile CBC from source using coinbrew:
poetry shell
python experiments/
python experiments/
python experiments/
This guide explains how to create your own Backbone algoritms. You would need to
Implement your own screening method by implementing calculate_utilities() function from
Implement your heuristic solver by implementing fit() and get_relevant_features() functions
Implement your exact sovler by implementing fit() and predict()
Implement a Custom Screening Method
First, create a subclass of ScreenSelectorBase and implement the calculate_utilities method. This method should compute utilities (or importances) for each feature based on your screening criteria.
class CustomScreenSelector(ScreenSelectorBase):
def calculate_utilities(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray::
# Implement logic here to calculate feature utilities
- Implement a Custom Heuristic Method
Next, create a subclass of HeuristicSolverBase and implement the fit, model, and get_relevant_features methods. This solver fits a model to the data using a heuristic approach and identifies relevant features.
class CustomHeuristicSolver(HeuristicSolverBase):
def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
# Implement logic here to fit the heuristic model
# Store the fitted model in self._model
def get_relevant_variables(self, **kwargs)->
# Logic to identify and return relevant features
- Implement a Custom Exact Solver
Create a subclass of ExactSolverBase and implement the fit, model, and predict methods. This solver fits a model using an exact or more rigorous approach and makes predictions.
from backbone_base_classes import ExactSolverBase
class CustomExactSolver(ExactSolverBase):
def fit(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray):
# Logic to fit the exact model
# Store the fitted model in self._model
def predict(self, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
# Logic to make predictions using the fitted model
- Build Your Custom Backbone Algorithm
To create your own Backbone algorithm, you can inherit from the BackboneBase class and define your custom solvers. The set_solvers method allows you to specify the screen selector, exact solver, and heuristic solver.
Here's an example of how you can assemble a custom Backbone algorithm:
from backbone_base_classes import BackboneBase
class CustomBackboneAlgorithm(BackboneBase):
def set_solvers(self, **kwargs):
# Extract parameters specific to each solver
parameter_1 = kwargs.get('parameter_1')
parameter_2 = kwargs.get('parameter_2')
# Initialize custom solvers with extracted parameters
self.screen_selector = CustomScreenSelector()
self.exact_solver = CustomExactSolver(parameter_1)
self.heuristic_solver = CustomHeuristicSolver(parameter_2)
# You coud always skip screen_selector and exact_solver by defining them None
self.screen_selector = None
self.exact_solver = None
In this example, CustomBackboneAlgorithm automatically inherits the fit and predict methods from BackboneBase. The set_solvers method is used to initialize the specific screen selector, exact solver, and heuristic solver. This method extracts the relevant parameters from kwargs which are passed during object initialization.
- Example Usage Here's how you can use the custom Backbone algorithm:
# Initialize with custom parameters
backbone_algorithm = CustomBackboneAlgorithm(alpha=0.5, beta=0.3, num_subproblems=3,...)
# Fit the model, y)
# Make predictions
predictions = backbone_algorithm.predict(X_new)