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Spectra and ratios of identified particles in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) =200 GeV

This is a high priority analysis because it is fairly straightforward and something we could get approved quicker than others.

There were two versions, one written by Christal Martin and one written by Andi Mankoli. I think we kept Christal's version. This was worked on as well by Adam Tilley and Josie Hakanson, with small contributions from Antonio Da Silva and Sean Grace.

Needs beams set up so that it can pick up beams both ways. RAA, ratio plots need to be on linear scale. Input histograms for these RAAs & particle ratios need to be turned off in output. Needs bin shift correction

Analysis plots now - Josie Hakanson (5-24-2024).

Update: Added binshift and beams. Maybe fixed .plot?

Looks right for pions but it is a little suspicious for kaons.

TODO Look at normalization of Rcp RAA is not filling