- Productive for 600 000+ active users
in a Youtube Improver & several Extensions. - Please try it & review it!
- Shared Repo yet for minimalism
- We lost the original author after X years.
/*------------satus.JS--------------------------- >>> 1. CORE ------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL VARIABLE: # BASICS: camelize() snakelize() isset() log() sort() data() # DOM: append() setAttributes() createElement() empty() elementIndex() # CSS: css() addClass() satus.style() getAnimationDuration() # CRYPTION (async) encrypt() decrypt() Events.on() Events.trigger() fetch() getProperty() indexOf() toIndex() # IS: isArray() isElement() isNumber() # ON: on() parentify() prepend() properties() remove() render() # STORAGE storage.clear() storage.get() storage.import() storage.remove() storage.set() storage.onchanged = function() last() # LOCALIZATION locale.get() locale.import = function() //satus.locale.import(); text() // We always try to run values as functions? // isFunction() appears 6 times in satus.js ------------------------------------------------- >>> 2. COMPONENTS components.modal() components.modal.confirm components.grid components.textField chart chart.bar select components.divider() section alert time sidebar layers list colorPicker radio slider tabs shortcut checkbox switch ------------------------------------------------- >>> COLOR: String to array RGB2HSL HUE2RGB HSL2RGB ------------------------------------------------- >>> USER # HARDWARE and SOFTWARE values # OS: Name Bitness # Browser: Name Version Platform Manifest Languages Cookies Flash Java Audio Video WebGL # Device: Screen RAM GPU Cores Touch Connection ------------------------------------------------- >>> SEARCH // TO-DO or integrate with JS search 'SQL' lib -----------------------------------------------*/ |
History Manager
(alpha) Filter: unFreeze me
& Dark Mode
Research: Ultimate Regex (Search & Replace, markup to come?)
(Regex Replace
) Browser: Custom user agent
& auto-scroll
Video / Media: (to be integrated in ImprovedTube...) Looper
Frame by Frame
Home: (Start Page tabs to be uploaded ), TextEditor
, ToDo
Development: Satus
(Our JS library) | WebGL.js
- WebGL Library | endless grid, CodeEditor, TE, Viscum Player - video.js?)
- All of the above was written by the same author and is meant to be source for growing Satus.
(All that's meaningful to repurpose)
/*------------satus.CSS------------ # SCROLLBAR # ANIMATIONS >>> THEMES >>> NORMALIZE >>> MODAL # Container # Scrim # Surface # Variants # Vertical menu # CONTAINER # SCRIM # SURFACE # VARIANTS # VERTICAL MENU >>> GRID >>> TEXT FIELD # Parts # Container # Input # # Syntax highlighting # Regular expression # MULTILINE: FALSE # SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING # REGULAR EXPRESSION >>> CHART >>> SELECT >>> DIVIDER >>> SECTION # Variants # Align start # Align end # Card # Media # ALIGN START # ALIGN END # CARD # MEDIA >>> BASE >>> ALERT # Media # MEDIA >>> INPUT >>> MAIN >>> SIDEBAR >>> LAYERS >>> LIST >>> COLOR PICKER: # Button # Modal # BUTTON # MODAL >>> SPAN >>> BUTTON # Base # Basic # Icon # BASE # BASIC # ICON >>> HEADER >>> RADIO >>> SLIDER >>> TABS >>> SHORTCUT: # >>> CHECKBOX >>> SWITCH # Container # Track # Thumb # CONTAINER # TRACK # THUMB >>> CONTEXT MENU >>> SORTABLE ------------------------------------*/ |