This repository contains the trained model and dataset used for Unsupervised Adversarial Training (UAT) from the paper Are Labels Required for Improving Adversarial Robustness?
This repo serves two primary functions:
- Data release: We share indices for the 80 Million Tiny Images Dataset subset used in our experiments, and a utility for loading the data.
- Model release: We have released our top-performing model on TF-Hub, and include an example demonstrating how to use it.
Our model is available via
For example usage, refer to
. The preferred method of
running this script is through
, which will set up a virtual
environment, install the dependendencies, and run the evaluation script, which
will print the adversarial accuracy of the model.
cd /path/to/deepmind_research
First, download the 80 Million Tiny Images Dataset image binary from the official web page:
Note this file is very large, and requires 227 GB of disc space.
The file tiny_200K_idxs.txt
indicates which images from the dataset form the
80M@200K training set used in the paper. For example usage, refer to
To view example images from this dataset, use the command:
cd /path/to/deepmind_research
python -m unsupervised_adversarial_training.save_example_images \
This will save the first 100 images to the directory
If you use this code in your work, please cite the accompanying paper:
title={Are Labels Required for Improving Adversarial Robustness?},
author={Jonathan Uesato and Jean-Baptiste Alayrac and Po-Sen Huang and
Robert Stanforth and Alhussein Fawzi and Pushmeet Kohli},
booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
This is not an official Google product.