#Stipe Compass Extension Stipe is the life blood of the Toadstool style guide framework. Consisting of a series of mixins, extends and defaults that give Toadstool that 'instant on' experience.
##To install
gem install stipe
##To use
To use the Stipe gem, using Bundler gem 'stipe'
Stipe is a Compass Extension, so Compass is set as a depdency. You will need to include require 'stipe'
in your config.rb file.
##Sass / Compass
(BLEEDING EDGE ALERT) Toadstool is using 3.2.0.alpha.*
For reasons explained please continue using the alpha gem and upgrading to Sass 3.2 will break Toadstool and Stipe.
- Updated Toadstool Sass to use better named spaced class for main content block. ** Changed .main_content to .toadstool_main_contnet
- Sass and UI work related to default form views
- Created color views in Toadstool
- Created remaining semantic color variables silent classes
- Updated Toadstool
_design / _ui_manifest.scss