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base repository: derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_scripts_Backend
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base: 190577f5d9a419964174904463da592135e9db07
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head repository: derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_scripts_Backend
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compare: d1aa04f21e94278549f0faf9423b217ee1210861
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  • 1 commit
  • 7 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 21, 2024

  1. rewrote CAWR and REX, added support for a port via config.json

    now both CAWR and REX are able to resume training so long as you have saved a state.
    REX is no long just REX anymore, and is now RexAnnealingWarmRestarts, or RAWR for short as it now anneals with warm restarts, if you want it to behave like it used to, all you need to do is set the first cycle max steps to total steps, and for backup, probably should set gamma to 1.
    derrian-distro committed Jul 21, 2024
    Copy the full SHA
    d1aa04f View commit details
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
from functools import wraps
import math
import weakref
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import LRScheduler
from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer

# optimizer, cycle multiplier, and gamma are constant so they should be passed in no matter what
# the rest are either used if last_epoch = -1 and are not already in the param groups or not used if otherwise
class CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(LRScheduler):
def __init__(
optimizer: Optimizer,
gamma: float,
cycle_multiplier: float = 1,
first_cycle_max_steps: int = 1,
min_lr: float = 1e-6,
warmup_steps: int = 0,
last_epoch: int = -1,
) -> None:
if not isinstance(optimizer, Optimizer):
raise TypeError(f"{type(optimizer).__name__} is not an Optimizer")
self.optimizer = optimizer
self.cycle_multiplier = cycle_multiplier
self.gamma = gamma # debating calling this decay_rate or something
self.last_epoch = last_epoch

# new run
if last_epoch == -1:
if warmup_steps >= first_cycle_max_steps:
raise ValueError(
f"[-] warmup_steps must be smaller than first_cycle_max_steps. "
f"{warmup_steps} < {first_cycle_max_steps}"
self.setup_optimizer(warmup_steps, first_cycle_max_steps, min_lr)

def with_counter(method):
if getattr(method, "_with_counter", False):
return method
instance_ref = weakref.ref(method.__self__)
func = method.__func__
cls = instance_ref().__class__
del method

def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
instance = instance_ref()
instance._step_count += 1
wrapped = func.__get__(instance, cls)
return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

wrapper._with_counter = True
return wrapper

self.optimizer.step = with_counter(self.optimizer.step)


def setup_optimizer(
warmup_steps: int,
first_cycle_max_steps: int,
min_lr: float,
) -> Optimizer:
for group in self.optimizer.param_groups:
if "warmup_steps" not in group:
group.setdefault("warmup_steps", warmup_steps)
if "current_cycle_max_steps" not in group:
group.setdefault("current_cycle_max_steps", first_cycle_max_steps)
if "min_lr" not in group:
group.setdefault("min_lr", min_lr)
group.setdefault("current_cycle", 0)
group.setdefault("current_cycle_step", -1)
group.setdefault("initial_lr", group["lr"])
group.setdefault("current_max_lr", group["lr"])

def validate_optimizer(self):
for i, group in enumerate(self.optimizer.param_groups):
for key in {
if key not in group:
raise KeyError(
f"param '{key}' is not specified in param_groups[{i}] when resuming an optimizer"
if group["warmup_steps"] >= group["current_cycle_max_steps"]:
raise ValueError(
f"[-] warmup_steps must be smaller than first_cycle_max_steps. "
f"{group['warmup_steps']} < {group['current_cycle_max_steps']}"

def _calc_first_step(self, group: list[float | int]):
while group["current_cycle_step"] >= group["current_cycle_max_steps"]:
group = self._update_cycle(group)
return group

def _update_step(self):
for i, group in enumerate(self.optimizer.param_groups):
if group["current_cycle_step"] == -1:
group = self._calc_first_step(group)
self.optimizer.param_groups[i] = group
group["current_cycle_step"] += 1
group = self._update_cycle(group)
self.optimizer.param_groups[i] = group

def _update_cycle(self, group: list[float | int]):
if group["current_cycle_step"] < group["current_cycle_max_steps"]:
return group
group["current_cycle_step"] -= group["current_cycle_max_steps"]
group["current_cycle"] += 1
group["current_cycle_max_steps"] = (
round((group["current_cycle_max_steps"] - group["warmup_steps"]) * self.cycle_multiplier)
+ group["warmup_steps"]
group["current_max_lr"] = group["initial_lr"] * (self.gamma ** group["current_cycle"])
return group

def get_lr(self) -> float:
lrs = []
for group in self.optimizer.param_groups:
if group["current_max_lr"] <= group["min_lr"]:
lr_range = group["current_max_lr"] - group["min_lr"]
if group["current_cycle_step"] < group["warmup_steps"]:
lrs.append(lr_range * group["current_cycle_step"] / group["warmup_steps"] + group["min_lr"])
normalized_step = group["current_cycle_step"] - group["warmup_steps"]
normalized_max_steps = group["current_cycle_max_steps"] - group["warmup_steps"]
lr_range * (1 + math.cos(math.pi * normalized_step / normalized_max_steps)) / 2.0
+ group["min_lr"]
return lrs
185 changes: 0 additions & 185 deletions custom_scheduler/LoraEasyCustomOptimizer/

This file was deleted.
