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Smoke test the OpenStack


A web application with a REST based HTTP interface to help smoke test OpenStack. SmokeStack is focused on integration testing of OpenStack services and currently supports Nova, Keystone, and Glance, and Swift. SmokeStack is built on:

  • Rails 3.1
  • Resque: a redis backed job queue
  • Job runner templates: The default job runner uses firestack to spin up groups of servers. A job runner for unit tests is included as well.
  • Configuration management to install and configure everything (Puppet)
  • Packages to install software (currently supports Fedora)

For more information and examples see the wiki:


Requires Ruby, Rubygems, and Ruby on Rails 3.1+.

gem install rails -v3.1.1

The application was developed with MySQL. The following gems are required:


Unpack the rails app and run the following commands to create the database.

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

Start some linux workers to configure Linux machines:

mkdir tmp/pids
rake resque:workers QUEUE=libvirt COUNT=3

Start the API server:

rails server

At this point the web application should be running at

Quickstart on Fedora 16

# install ruby, gems & mysql
sudo yum install -y rubygems ruby-devel mysql-server redis mysql-devel gcc gcc-c++

# install bundler then install gems via bundle
sudo gem install -y bundle --no-ri --no-rdoc

# cd to SmokeStack app installation directory
cd /opt/smokestack
bundle install

# initialize the db
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate

# setup kytoon
ssh-keygen # don't use passphrase
# FIXME - add details on creating .kytoon.conf for running jobs
# in tab 1: launch some workers
bundle exec rake resque:workers QUEUE="libvirt" COUNT=3

# in tab 2: run rails
bundle exec rails server

At this point you can view the website at with username/password of admin/cloud

Serving via Apache/Passenger

sudo gem install passenger --no-ri --no-rdoc

# install apache and libraries needed to run
sudo yum install -y httpd openssl-devel curl-devel httpd-devel apr-devel

sudo passenger-install-apache2-module

# follow instuctions to configure modules & site for Apache...

# create a production db 
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate

Unit test workers (used to run unit tests, 1 instance per worker)

#Install dependencies to run Nova, Glance, Keystone tests in a virtualenv
sudo yum install -y rubygems ruby-devel mysql-devel git gcc python-devel libxslt-devel swig python-setuptools python-virtualenv zeromq-devel patch gcc-c++ openldap-devel

# install bundler then install gems via bundle
sudo gem install -y bundle --no-ri --no-rdoc

# cd to SmokeStack app installation directory
cd /opt/smokestack
bundle install

bundle exec rake resque:work QUEUE="unit"


Automated smoke testing for OpenStack







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