Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
PRML algorithms implemented in Python
Implementation for <SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition> in CVPR'17.
High-level Semantic Feature Detection: A New Perspective for Pedestrian Detection, CVPR, 2019
Proposes neural networks that can generate animation of virtual characters for different actions.
MagFace: A Universal Representation for Face Recognition and Quality Assessment, CVPR2021, Oral
The source code for paper "Deep Image Spatial Transformation for Person Image Generation"
Human segmentation models, training/inference code, and trained weights, implemented in PyTorch
rickiepark / handson-ml2
Forked from ageron/handson-ml2핸즈온 머신러닝 2/E의 주피터 노트북
PyTorch로 시작하는 딥러닝 입문 CAMP (2017.7~2017.12) 강의자료
Code for computing interpolating / approximating thin plate splines.
aikorea / cs231n
Forked from cs231n/cs231n.github.ioCS231n 번역 프로젝트
💇🏻♀️ An end-to-end workflow for editing hair attributes on real faces
Eye blink(Closeness-Openess) detection using CNN (Keras)
Implementation of NIPS 2017 paper "Pose Guided Person Image Generation" in PyTorch.
A deep learning method baseline for specular detection