说明:由于 Proftpd Bugs 也就是参考[1]有内容说明,
On 6 November 2006, Evgeny Legerov [email protected] posted to BUGTRAQ, announcing his commercial VulnDisco Pack for Metasploit 2.7. One of the included exploits, vd_proftpd.pm, takes advantage of an off-by-one string manipulation flaw in ProFTPD's sreplace() function to allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code.
This vulnerabillity, identified as CVE-2006-5815, is believed to affect all versions of ProFTPD up to and including 1.3.0, but exploitability has only been demonstrated with version 1.3.0rc3. The demonstrated exploit relies on write access via FTP for exploitability, but other attack vectors may make exploitation of a read-only FTP server possible.
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/proftpd (这里最好加上地址,否则软件会安装到 /usr/local/ 中,而不会自己建立目录!)
- make
- sudo make install
sudo /usr/local/sbin/proftpd
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] - Automatically detecting the target...
[-] - Exploit aborted due to failure: no-target: No matching target
[*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
print_status("Automatically detecting the target...")
if (banner and (m = banner.match(/ProFTPD (1\.3\.[23][^ ]) Server/i))) then
print_status("FTP Banner: #{banner.strip}")
version = m[1]
fail_with(Failure::NoTarget, "No matching target")
为什么会卡在这个地方 - "No matching target"?
Patch 内容在本文件同级目录中,名为 "Fix for CVE-2006-5815"。结合着Patch和参考[2]去理解这个漏洞的整个发生过程。
[1] Proftpd Bugs [2] sebug Exploits-Archives