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File metadata and controls

345 lines (273 loc) · 7.71 KB



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Check in middleware

Basolato check whether value is valid in middleware. checkCsrfToken() and checkAuthToken() are available.
These procs return Check object. catch() defines what to do if value is invalid.

CSRF Token

Basolato can check whether csrf token is valid if request metod is post, put, patch, delete.

When you use SCF,Set ${csrfToken()} in view.

#? stdtmpl | standard
#import basolato/view
#proc createHtml*():string =
<form method="post">

When you use Karax, Set csrfTokenKarax() in view.

import karax / [karaxdsl, vdom]
import basolato/view
proc createHtml*():string =
  var vnode = buildHtml(tdiv):

If checkCsrfToken(request) is in template framework(), csrf check is available.


template framework*() =

If token is invalid, return 500.

You can overwrite your own custom error handring.

# If you want to return 403
checkCsrfToken(request).catch(Error403, "Error message")

# If you want to redirect login page
checkCsrfToken(request).catch(Error302, "/login")


  CookieData* = ref object
    name: string
    value: string
    expire: string
    sameSite: SameSite
    secure: bool
    httpOnly: bool
    domain: string
    path: string

  Cookie* = ref object
    request: Request
    cookies*: seq[CookieData]


proc newCookie*(request:Request):Cookie =

proc get*(this:Cookie, name:string):string =

proc set*(this:var Cookie, name, value: string, expire:DateTime,
      sameSite: SameSite=Lax, secure = false, httpOnly = false, domain = "",
      path = "/") =

proc set*(this:var Cookie, name, value: string, sameSite: SameSite=Lax,
      secure = false, httpOnly = false, domain = "", path = "/") =

proc updateExpire*(this:var Cookie, name:string, days:int, path="/") =

proc delete*(this:Cookie, key:string, path="/"):Cookie =

proc destroy*(this:Cookie, path="/"):Cookie =

proc setCookie*(response:Response, cookie:Cookie):Response =


get cookie

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  let val = newCookie(this.request).get("key")

set cookie

proc store*(this:Controller): Response =
  let name = this.request.params["name"]
  var cookie = newCookie(this.request)
  cookie.set("name", name)
  return render("with cookie").setCookie(cookie)

update cookie expire

proc store*(this:Controller): Response =
  var cookie = newCookie(this.request)
  cookie.updateExpire("name", 5)
  # cookie will be deleted after 5 days from now
  return render("with cookie").setCookie(cookie)

delete cookie

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  var cookie = newCookie(this.request)
  return render("with cookie").setCookie(cookie)

destroy all cookies

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  var cookie = newCookie(this.request)
  return render("with cookie").setCookie(cookie)

⚠️ Since cookies are set Secure and HttpOnly in production environment, they will not be read by JavaScript and can only be used in HTTPS.


Basolato use nimAES as session DB. We have a plan to be able to choose Redis in the future.

If you set sessionId in arg of newSession(), it return existing session otherwise create new session.

  SessionType* = enum
    Redis # Not work now

  Session* = ref object
    db: SessionDb


proc newSession*(token="", typ:SessionType=File):Session =
  # If you set valid token, it connect to existing session.
  # If you don't set token, it creates new session.

proc getToken*(this:Session):string =

proc set*(this:Session, key, value:string):Session =

proc some*(this:SessionDb, key:string):bool =

proc get*(this:Session, key:string):string =

proc delete*(this:Session, key:string): Session =

proc destroy*(this:Session) =


get session id

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  let sessionId = newSession().getToken()

set value in session

proc store(this:Controller): Response =
  let key = this.request.params["key"]
  let value = this.request.params["value"]
  discard newSession().set(key, value)

check and get value in session

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  let sessionId = newCookie(this.request).get("session_id")
  let key = this.request.params["key"]
  let session = newSession(sessionId)
  var value:string
  if session.some(key):
    value = session.get(key)

delete one key-value pair of session

proc destroy(this:Controller): Response =
  let sessionId = newCookie(this.request).getToken()
  let key = this.request.params["key"]
  discard newSession(sessionId).delete(key)

destroy session

proc destroy(this:Controller): Response =
  let sessionId = newCookie(this.request).getToken()


Basolato has Auth system. it conceal inconvenient cookie and session process.

type Auth* = ref object


proc newAuth*(request:Request):Auth =

proc newAuth*():Auth =

proc login*(this:Auth) =

proc logout*(this:Auth) =

proc isLogin*(this:Auth):bool =

proc getToken*(this:Auth):string =

proc set*(this:Auth, key, value:string):Auth =

proc some*(this:Auth, key:string):bool =

proc get*(this:Auth, key:string):string =

proc delete*(this:Auth, key:string):AUth =

proc setAuth*(response:Response, auth:Auth):Response =
  # If not logged in, do nothing.
  # If logged in but not updated any session value,
  # expire of session_id is updated.

proc destroyAuth*(response:Response, auth:Auth):Response =

proc setFlash*(this:Auth, key, value:string) =

proc getFlash*(this:Auth):JsonNode =



proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  let email = params["email"]
  let password = params["password"]
  let userId = newLoginUsecase().login(email, password)
  this.auth.set("id", $userId)
  return redirect("/").setAuth(auth)


proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  if this.auth.isLogin():

get auth

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  let loginName = this.auth.get("login_name")

set value in auth

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  let name = this.request.params["name"]
  let auth = this.auth.set("login_name", name)
  return render("auth").setAuth(auth)

check and get value in auth

proc index(this:Controller): Response =
  var loginName:string
  if this.auth.some("login_name"):
    loginName = this.auth.get("login_name")

delete one key-value pair of session

proc destroy(this:Controller): Response =
  return render("auth").setAuth(auth)

destroy auth

proc destroy(this:Controller): Response =
  return render("auth").destroyAuth(this.auth)

set flash message

proc store*(this:Controller):Response =
  this.auth.setFlash("success", "Welcome to the Sample App!")
  return redirect("/auth").setAuth(auth)

get flash message

proc show*(this:Controller):Response =
  let flash = this.auth.getFlash()
  return render(showHtml(user, flash=flash))