Note: in the original node-yahoo-finance
, we had a module called "quote
that actually called the quoteSummary API. See that
module for further details.
Make sure to read the quirks section at the bottom of this file.
import yahooFinance from 'yahoo-finance2';
// Single symbol
const result = await yahooFinance.quote('AAPL');
language: 'en-US',
region: 'US',
quoteType: 'EQUITY',
quoteSourceName: 'Nasdaq Real Time Price',
triggerable: true,
currency: 'USD',
exchange: 'NMS',
shortName: 'Apple Inc.',
longName: 'Apple Inc.',
messageBoardId: 'finmb_24937',
exchangeTimezoneName: 'America/New_York',
exchangeTimezoneShortName: 'EST',
gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -18000000,
market: 'us_market',
esgPopulated: false,
epsCurrentYear: 4.45,
priceEpsCurrentYear: 30.732584,
sharesOutstanding: 16788100096,
bookValue: 3.936,
fiftyDayAverage: 133.31032,
fiftyDayAverageChange: 3.4496765,
fiftyDayAverageChangePercent: 0.02587704,
twoHundredDayAverage: 119.94297,
twoHundredDayAverageChange: 16.817024,
twoHundredDayAverageChangePercent: 0.1402085,
marketCap: 2295940513792,
forwardPE: 29.34764,
priceToBook: 34.745934,
sourceInterval: 15,
exchangeDataDelayedBy: 0,
tradeable: false,
firstTradeDateMilliseconds: new Date("1980-12-12T14:30:00.000Z"),
priceHint: 2,
marketState: 'PREPRE',
postMarketChangePercent: -0.058498,
postMarketTime: new Date("2021-02-06T00:59:58.000Z"),
postMarketPrice: 136.68,
postMarketChange: -0.0800018,
regularMarketChange: -0.42500305,
regularMarketChangePercent: -0.30980286,
regularMarketTime: new Date("2021-02-05T21:00:02.000Z"),
regularMarketPrice: 136.76,
regularMarketDayHigh: 137.41,
regularMarketDayRange: { low: 135.86, high: 137.41 },
regularMarketDayLow: 135.86,
regularMarketVolume: 75693830,
regularMarketPreviousClose: 137.185,
bid: 0,
ask: 0,
bidSize: 29,
askSize: 11,
fullExchangeName: 'NasdaqGS',
financialCurrency: 'USD',
regularMarketOpen: 137.35,
averageDailyVolume3Month: 106825349,
averageDailyVolume10Day: 108468300,
fiftyTwoWeekLowChange: 83.6075,
fiftyTwoWeekLowChangePercent: 1.572974,
fiftyTwoWeekRange: { low: 53.1525, high: 145.09 },
fiftyTwoWeekHighChange: -8.330002,
fiftyTwoWeekHighChangePercent: -0.057412654,
fiftyTwoWeekLow: 53.1525,
fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 145.09,
dividendDate: new Date("2021-02-11T00:00:00.000Z"),
earningsTimestamp: new Date("2021-01-27T16:30:00.000Z"),
earningsTimestampStart: new Date("2021-04-28T10:59:00.000Z"),
earningsTimestampEnd: new Date("2021-05-03T12:00:00.000Z"),
trailingAnnualDividendRate: 0.807,
trailingPE: 37.092484,
trailingAnnualDividendYield: 0.0058825673,
epsTrailingTwelveMonths: 3.687,
epsForward: 4.66,
displayName: 'Apple',
symbol: 'AAPL'
const optionResult = await yahooFinance.quote("AAPL220121C00025000")
language: "en-US",
region: "US",
quoteType: "OPTION",
triggerable: false,
currency: "USD",
fiftyTwoWeekLowChange: 0.5,
fiftyTwoWeekLowChangePercent: 0.005,
fiftyTwoWeekRange: "100.0 - 100.5",
fiftyTwoWeekHighChange: 0,
fiftyTwoWeekHighChangePercent: 0,
fiftyTwoWeekLow: 100,
fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 100.5,
strike: 25,
openInterest: 8,
expireDate: 1642723200,
expireIsoDate: "2022-01-21T00:00:00Z",
sourceInterval: 15,
exchangeDataDelayedBy: 20,
tradeable: false,
regularMarketChange: 0,
regularMarketChangePercent: 0,
regularMarketTime: 1623093194,
regularMarketPrice: 100.5,
regularMarketDayHigh: 100.5,
regularMarketDayRange: "100.0 - 100.5",
firstTradeDateMilliseconds: 1622088000000,
priceHint: 2,
regularMarketDayLow: 100,
regularMarketVolume: 3,
regularMarketPreviousClose: 100.5,
bid: 105.15,
ask: 105.8,
fullExchangeName: "OPR",
regularMarketOpen: 100.37,
underlyingSymbol: "AAPL",
exchange: "OPR",
shortName: "AAPL Jan 2022 25.000 call",
exchangeTimezoneName: "America/New_York",
exchangeTimezoneShortName: "EDT",
gmtOffSetMilliseconds: -14400000,
market: "us24_market",
esgPopulated: false,
marketState: "REGULAR",
symbol: "AAPL220121C00025000"
// Multiple symbols, with default { return: "array" }. Missing symbols skipped.
const results = await yahooFinance.quote(['AAPL', 'NO_SUCH_SYMBOL', 'GOOGL']);
const result = { AAPL: result[0], GOOGL: result[1] /* not result[2]! */ };
// Other return types, where it's easier to deal with missing symbols, e.g.
// here map.get("NO_SUCH_SYMBOL") === object.NO_SUCH_SYMBOL === undefined.
const map = await yahooFinance.quote([...], { return: "map" });
const object = await yahooFinance.quote([...], { return: "object" });
Note: The example output above does not cover all possible return results, which can vary by asset type and even time of day (trading period). For an exhausting list of everything we cover and that you might get back, please see the TypeScript interface in
await yahooFinance.quote(symbol, queryOptions, moduleOptions);
Symbol name as used by Yahoo (often the stock ticker). You can find it using search. You can also provide an array of symbols, and you'll receive an array of results back.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fields |
string[] | (all) | Which fields to return in query |
return |
string | "array" | Return as "array" |
// Don't return all fields, only return these two + other essentials.
await quote('TSLA', { fields: [ "symbol", "displayName" ] });
Note: some fields are always returned, e.g. language
, quoteType
, etc.
For a list of all fields, see the Quote
interface in
See Common Options.
As reported by @glintik in
issue #386,
the values of
, earningsTimestampStart
, earningsTimestampEnd
can be very misleading, and you are advised to find a better source for
accurate timing. However, to get a rough indication of when the earnings
call might be (+/- 2 days), this might be sufficient. Please review the
issue for further details and comments.
Delisted symbols arrive with { quoteType: "NONE" }
however we decided to
instead drop these results (returning undefined
) to make the behaviour
consistent with requests for non-existent symbols. See
issue #381.
If you find a use-case where this behaviour is undesirable, please open a new issue and we'll consider adding a queryOption to disable it.