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File metadata and controls

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DiskCache Tutorial

This part of the documentation covers the installation of :doc:`DiskCache <index>`. The first step to using any software package is getting it properly installed.

Pip & PyPI

Installing :doc:`DiskCache <index>` is simple with pip:

$ pip install --upgrade diskcache

The versioning scheme uses major.minor.micro with micro intended for bug fixes, minor intended for small features or improvements, and major intended for significant new features and breaking changes. While it is intended that only major version changes are backwards incompatible, it is not always guaranteed. When running in production, it is recommended to pin at least the major version.

Get the Code

:doc:`DiskCache <index>` is actively developed on GitHub, where the code is always available.

You can either clone the DiskCache repository:

$ git clone

Download the tarball:

$ curl -OL

Or, download the zipball:

$ curl -OL

Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your Python package, or install it into your site-packages easily:

$ python install

:doc:`DiskCache <index>` is looking for a Debian package maintainer. If you can help, please open an issue in the DiskCache Issue Tracker.

:doc:`DiskCache <index>` is looking for a CentOS/RPM package maintainer. If you can help, please open an issue in the DiskCache Issue Tracker.

The core of :doc:`DiskCache <index>` is :class:`diskcache.Cache` which represents a disk and file backed cache. As a Cache, it supports a familiar Python mapping interface with additional cache and performance parameters.

>>> from diskcache import Cache
>>> cache = Cache()

Initialization expects a directory path reference. If the directory path does not exist, it will be created. When not specified, a temporary directory is automatically created. Additional keyword parameters are discussed below. Cache objects are thread-safe and may be shared between threads. Two Cache objects may also reference the same directory from separate threads or processes. In this way, they are also process-safe and support cross-process communication.

Cache objects open and maintain one or more file handles. But unlike files, all Cache operations are atomic and Cache objects support process-forking and may be serialized using Pickle. Each thread that accesses a cache should also call :meth:`close <.Cache.close>` on the cache. Cache objects can be used in a with statement to safeguard calling :meth:`close <diskcache.Cache.close>`.

>>> cache.close()
>>> with Cache( as reference:
...     reference.set('key', 'value')

Closed Cache objects will automatically re-open when accessed. But opening Cache objects is relatively slow, and since all operations are atomic, may be safely left open.

>>> cache.close()
>>> cache.get('key')  # Automatically opens, but slower.

Set an item, get a value, and delete a key using the usual operators:

>>> cache['key'] = 'value'
>>> cache['key']
>>> 'key' in cache
>>> del cache['key']

There's also a :meth:`set <diskcache.Cache.set>` method with additional keyword parameters: expire, read, and tag.

>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> cache.set('key', BytesIO(b'value'), expire=5, read=True, tag='data')

In the example above: the key expires in 5 seconds, the value is read as a file-like object, and tag metadata is stored with the key. Another method, :meth:`get <diskcache.Cache.get>` supports querying extra information with default, read, expire_time, and tag keyword parameters.

>>> result = cache.get('key', read=True, expire_time=True, tag=True)
>>> reader, timestamp, tag = result
>>> print(
>>> type(timestamp).__name__
>>> print(tag)

The return value is a tuple containing the value, expire time (seconds from epoch), and tag. Because we passed read=True the value is returned as a file-like object.

Use :meth:`touch <.Cache.touch>` to update the expiration time of an item in the cache.

>>> cache.touch('key', expire=None)
>>> cache.touch('does-not-exist', expire=1)

Like :meth:`set <diskcache.Cache.set>`, the method :meth:`add <diskcache.Cache.add>` can be used to insert an item in the cache. The item is inserted only if the key is not already present.

>>> cache.add(b'test', 123)
>>> cache[b'test']
>>> cache.add(b'test', 456)
>>> cache[b'test']

Item values can also be incremented and decremented using :meth:`incr <diskcache.Cache.incr>` and :meth:`decr <diskcache.Cache.decr>` methods.

>>> cache.incr(b'test')
>>> cache.decr(b'test', 24)

Increment and decrement methods also support a keyword parameter, default, which will be used for missing keys. When None, incrementing or decrementing a missing key will raise a :exc:`KeyError`.

>>> cache.incr('alice')
>>> cache.decr('bob', default=-9)
>>> cache.incr('carol', default=None)
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'carol'

Increment and decrement operations are atomic and assume the value may be stored in a SQLite integer column. SQLite supports 64-bit signed integers.

Like :meth:`delete <diskcache.Cache.delete>` and :meth:`get <diskcache.Cache.get>`, the method :meth:`pop <diskcache.Cache.pop>` can be used to delete an item in the cache and return its value.

>>> cache.pop('alice')
>>> cache.pop('dave', default='does not exist')
'does not exist'
>>> cache.set('dave', 0, expire=None, tag='admin')
>>> result = cache.pop('dave', expire_time=True, tag=True)
>>> value, timestamp, tag = result
>>> value
>>> print(timestamp)
>>> print(tag)

The :meth:`pop <diskcache.Cache.pop>` operation is atomic and using :meth:`incr <diskcache.Cache.incr>` together is an accurate method for counting and dumping statistics in long-running systems. Unlike :meth:`get <diskcache.Cache.get>` the read argument is not supported.

Another four methods remove items from the cache:

>>> cache.clear()
>>> cache.reset('cull_limit', 0)       # Disable automatic evictions.
>>> for num in range(10):
...     _ = cache.set(num, num, expire=1e-9)  # Expire immediately.
>>> len(cache)
>>> list(cache)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
>>> import time
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> cache.expire()

:meth:`Expire <diskcache.Cache.expire>` removes all expired keys from the cache. Resetting the :ref:`cull_limit <tutorial-settings>` to zero will disable culling during :meth:`set <diskcache.Cache.set>` and :meth:`add <diskcache.Cache.add>` operations. Because culling is performed lazily, the reported length of the cache includes expired items. Iteration likewise includes expired items because it is a read-only operation. To exclude expired items you must explicitly call :meth:`expire <diskcache.Cache.expire>` which works regardless of the :ref:`cull_limit <tutorial-settings>`.

>>> for num in range(100):
...     _ = cache.set(num, num, tag='odd' if num % 2 else 'even')
>>> cache.evict('even')

:meth:`Evict <diskcache.Cache.evict>` removes all the keys with a matching tag. The default tag is None. Tag values may be any of integer, float, string, bytes and None. To accelerate the eviction of items by tag, an index can be created. To do so, initialize the cache with tag_index=True.

>>> cache.clear()
>>> for num in range(100):
...     _ = cache.set(num, num, tag=(num % 2))
>>> cache.evict(0)

Likewise, the tag index may be created or dropped using methods:

>>> cache.drop_tag_index()
>>> cache.tag_index
>>> cache.create_tag_index()
>>> cache.tag_index

But prefer initializing the cache with a tag index rather than explicitly creating or dropping the tag index.

To manually enforce the cache's size limit, use the :meth:`cull <diskcache.Cache.cull>` method. :meth:`Cull <diskcache.Cache.cull>` begins by removing expired items from the cache and then uses the eviction policy to remove items until the cache volume is less than the size limit.

>>> cache.clear()
>>> cache.reset('size_limit', int(1e6))
>>> cache.reset('cull_limit', 0)
>>> for count in range(1000):
...     cache[count] = b'A' * 1000
>>> cache.volume() > int(1e6)
>>> cache.cull() > 0
>>> cache.volume() < int(1e6)

Some users may defer all culling to a cron-like process by setting the :ref:`cull_limit <tutorial-settings>` to zero and manually calling :meth:`cull <diskcache.Cache.cull>` to remove items. Like :meth:`evict <diskcache.Cache.evict>` and :meth:`expire <diskcache.Cache.expire>`, calls to :meth:`cull <diskache.Cache.cull>` will work regardless of the :ref:`cull_limit <tutorial-settings>`.

:meth:`Clear <diskcache.Cache.clear>` simply removes all items from the cache.

>>> cache.clear() > 0

Each of these methods is designed to work concurrent to others. None of them block readers or writers in other threads or processes.

Caches may be iterated by either insertion order or sorted order. The default ordering uses insertion order. To iterate by sorted order, use :meth:`iterkeys <.Cache.iterkeys>`. The sort order is determined by the database which makes it valid only for str, bytes, int, and float data types. Other types of keys will be serialized which is likely to have a meaningless sorted order.

>>> for key in 'cab':
...     cache[key] = None
>>> list(cache)
['c', 'a', 'b']
>>> list(cache.iterkeys())
['a', 'b', 'c']
>>> cache.peekitem()
('b', None)
>>> cache.peekitem(last=False)
('c', None)

If only the first or last item in insertion order is desired then :meth:`peekitem <.Cache.peekitem>` is more efficient than using iteration.

Three additional methods use the sorted ordering of keys to maintain a queue-like data structure within the cache. The :meth:`push <.Cache.push>`, :meth:`pull <.Cache.pull>`, and :meth:`peek <.Cache.peek>` methods automatically assign the key within the cache.

>>> key = cache.push('first')
>>> print(key)
>>> cache[key]
>>> _ = cache.push('second')
>>> _ = cache.push('zeroth', side='front')
>>> _, value = cache.peek()
>>> value
>>> key, value = cache.pull()
>>> print(key)
>>> value

The side parameter supports access to either the 'front' or 'back' of the cache. In addition, the prefix parameter can be used to maintain multiple queue-like data structures within a single cache. When prefix is None, integer keys are used. Otherwise, string keys are used in the format “prefix-integer”. Integer starts at 500 trillion. Like :meth:`set <.Cache.set>` and :meth:`get <.Cache.get>`, methods :meth:`push <.Cache.push>`, :meth:`pull <.Cache.pull>`, and :meth:`peek <.Cache.peek>` support cache metadata like the expiration time and tag.

Lastly, three methods support metadata about the cache. The first is :meth:`volume <diskcache.Cache.volume>` which returns the estimated total size in bytes of the cache directory on disk.

>>> cache.volume() < int(1e5)

The second is :meth:`stats <diskcache.Cache.stats>` which returns cache hits and misses. Cache statistics must first be enabled.

>>> cache.stats(enable=True)
(0, 0)
>>> for num in range(100):
...     _ = cache.set(num, num)
>>> for num in range(150):
...     _ = cache.get(num)
>>> hits, misses = cache.stats(enable=False, reset=True)
>>> (hits, misses)
(100, 50)

Cache statistics are useful when evaluating different :ref:`eviction policies <tutorial-eviction-policies>`. By default, statistics are disabled as they incur an extra overhead on cache lookups. Increment and decrement operations are not counted in cache statistics.

The third is :meth:`check <diskcache.Cache.check>` which verifies cache consistency. It can also fix inconsistencies and reclaim unused space. The return value is a list of warnings.

>>> warnings = cache.check()

Caches do not automatically remove the underlying directory where keys and values are stored. The cache is intended to be persistent and so must be deleted manually.

>>> cache.close()
>>> import shutil
>>> try:
...     shutil.rmtree(
... except OSError:  # Windows wonkiness
...     pass

To permanently delete the cache, recursively remove the cache's directory.

Built atop :class:`Cache <diskcache.Cache>` is :class:`diskcache.FanoutCache` which automatically shards the underlying database. Sharding is the practice of horizontally partitioning data. Here it is used to decrease blocking writes. While readers and writers do not block each other, writers block other writers. Therefore a shard for every concurrent writer is suggested. This will depend on your scenario. The default value is 8.

Another parameter, timeout, sets a limit on how long to wait for database transactions. Transactions are used for every operation that writes to the database. When the timeout expires, a :exc:`diskcache.Timeout` error is raised internally. This timeout parameter is also present on :class:`diskcache.Cache`. When a :exc:`Timeout <diskcache.Timeout>` error occurs in :class:`Cache <diskcache.Cache>` methods, the exception may be raised to the caller. In contrast, :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>` catches all timeout errors and aborts the operation. As a result, :meth:`set <diskcache.FanoutCache.set>` and :meth:`delete <diskcache.FanoutCache.delete>` methods may silently fail.

Most methods that handle :exc:`Timeout <diskcache.Timeout>` exceptions also include a retry keyword parameter (default False) to automatically repeat attempts that timeout. The mapping interface operators: :meth:`cache[key] <diskcache.FanoutCache.__getitem__>`, :meth:`cache[key] = value <diskcache.FanoutCache.__setitem__>`, and :meth:`del cache[key] <diskcache.FanoutCache.__delitem__>` automatically retry operations when :exc:`Timeout <diskcache.Timeout>` errors occur. :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>` will never raise a :exc:`Timeout <diskcache.Timeout>` exception. The default timeout is 0.010 (10 milliseconds).

>>> from diskcache import FanoutCache
>>> cache = FanoutCache(shards=4, timeout=1)

The example above creates a cache in a temporary directory with four shards and a one second timeout. Operations will attempt to abort if they take longer than one second. The remaining API of :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>` matches :class:`Cache <diskcache.Cache>` as described above.

The :class:`.FanoutCache` :ref:`size_limit <constants>` is used as the total size of the cache. The size limit of individual cache shards is the total size divided by the number of shards. In the example above, the default total size is one gigabyte and there are four shards so each cache shard has a size limit of 256 megabytes. Items that are larger than the size limit are immediately culled.

Caches have an additional feature: :meth:`memoizing <diskcache.FanoutCache.memoize>` decorator. The decorator wraps a callable and caches arguments and return values.

>>> from diskcache import FanoutCache
>>> cache = FanoutCache()
>>> @cache.memoize(typed=True, expire=1, tag='fib')
... def fibonacci(number):
...     if number == 0:
...         return 0
...     elif number == 1:
...         return 1
...     else:
...         return fibonacci(number - 1) + fibonacci(number - 2)
>>> print(sum(fibonacci(value) for value in range(100)))

The arguments to memoize are like those for functools.lru_cache and :meth:`Cache.set <.Cache.set>`. Remember to call :meth:`memoize <.FanoutCache.memoize>` when decorating a callable. If you forget, then a TypeError will occur:

>>> @cache.memoize
... def test():
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: name cannot be callable

Observe the lack of parenthenses after :meth:`memoize <diskcache.FanoutCache.memoize>` above.

:class:`diskcache.DjangoCache` uses :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>` to provide a Django-compatible cache interface. With :doc:`DiskCache <index>` installed, you can use :class:`DjangoCache <diskcache.DjangoCache>` in your settings file.

    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'diskcache.DjangoCache',
        'LOCATION': '/path/to/cache/directory',
        'TIMEOUT': 300,
        # ^-- Django setting for default timeout of each key.
        'SHARDS': 8,
        'DATABASE_TIMEOUT': 0.010,  # 10 milliseconds
        # ^-- Timeout for each DjangoCache database transaction.
        'OPTIONS': {
            'size_limit': 2 ** 30   # 1 gigabyte

As with :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>` above, these settings create a Django-compatible cache with eight shards and a 10ms timeout. You can pass further settings via the OPTIONS mapping as shown in the Django documentation. Only the BACKEND and LOCATION keys are necessary in the above example. The other keys simply display their default value. :class:`DjangoCache <diskcache.DjangoCache>` will never raise a :exc:`Timeout <diskcache.Timeout>` exception. But unlike :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>`, the keyword parameter retry defaults to True for :class:`DjangoCache <diskcache.DjangoCache>` methods.

The API of :class:`DjangoCache <diskcache.DjangoCache>` is a superset of the functionality described in the Django documentation on caching and includes many :class:`FanoutCache <diskcache.FanoutCache>` features.

:class:`DjangoCache <diskcache.DjangoCache>` also works well with X-Sendfile and X-Accel-Redirect headers.

from django.core.cache import cache

def media(request, path):
        with as reader:
            response = HttpResponse()
            response['X-Accel-Redirect'] =
            return response
    except KeyError:
        # Handle cache miss.

When values are :meth:`set <diskcache.DjangoCache.set>` using read=True they are guaranteed to be stored in files. The full path is available on the file handle in the name attribute. Remember to also include the Content-Type header if known.

:class:`diskcache.Deque` (pronounced "deck") uses a :class:`Cache <diskcache.Cache>` to provide a collections.deque-compatible double-ended queue. Deques are a generalization of stacks and queues with fast access and editing at both front and back sides. :class:`Deque <diskcache.Deque>` objects use the :meth:`push <.Cache.push>`, :meth:`pull <.Cache.pull>`, and :meth:`peek <.Cache.peek>` methods of :class:`Cache <.Cache>` objects but never evict or expire items.

>>> from diskcache import Deque
>>> deque = Deque(range(5, 10))
>>> deque.pop()
>>> deque.popleft()
>>> deque.appendleft('foo')
>>> len(deque)
>>> type(
>>> other = Deque(
>>> len(other)
>>> other.popleft()
>>> thing = Deque('abcde', maxlen=3)
>>> list(thing)
['c', 'd', 'e']

:class:`Deque <diskcache.Deque>` objects provide an efficient and safe means of cross-thread and cross-process communication. :class:`Deque <diskcache.Deque>` objects are also useful in scenarios where contents should remain persistent or limitations prohibit holding all items in memory at the same time. The deque uses a fixed amount of memory regardless of the size or number of items stored inside it.

:class:`diskcache.Index` uses a :class:`Cache <diskcache.Cache>` to provide a mutable mapping and ordered dictionary interface. :class:`Index <diskcache.Index>` objects inherit all the benefits of :class:`Cache <diskcache.Cache>` objects but never evict or expire items.

>>> from diskcache import Index
>>> index = Index([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])
>>> 'b' in index
>>> index['c']
>>> del index['a']
>>> len(index)
>>> other = Index(
>>> len(other)
>>> other.popitem(last=False)
('b', 2)

:class:`Index <diskcache.Index>` objects provide an efficient and safe means of cross-thread and cross-process communication. :class:`Index <diskcache.Index>` objects are also useful in scenarios where contents should remain persistent or limitations prohibit holding all items in memory at the same time. The index uses a fixed amount of memory regardless of the size or number of items stored inside it.

Transactions are implemented by the :class:`.Cache`, :class:`.Deque`, and :class:`.Index` data types and support consistency and improved performance. Use transactions to guarantee a group of operations occur atomically. For example, to calculate a running average, the total and count could be incremented together:

>>> with cache.transact():
...     total = cache.incr('total', 123.45)
...     count = cache.incr('count')
>>> total
>>> count

And to calculate the average, the values could be retrieved together:

>>> with cache.transact():
...     total = cache.get('total')
...     count = cache.get('count')
>>> average = None if count == 0 else total / count
>>> average

Keep transactions as short as possible because within a transaction, no other writes may occur to the cache. Every write operation uses a transaction and transactions may be nested to improve performance. For example, a possible implementation to set many items within the cache:

>>> def set_many(cache, mapping):
...     with cache.transact():
...         for key, value in mapping.items():
...             cache[key] = value

By grouping all operations in a single transaction, performance may improve two to five times. But be careful, a large mapping will block other concurrent writers.

Transactions are not implemented by :class:`.FanoutCache` and :class:`.DjangoCache` due to key sharding. Instead, a cache shard with transaction support may be requested.

>>> fanout_cache = FanoutCache()
>>> tutorial_cache = fanout_cache.cache('tutorial')
>>> username_queue = fanout_cache.deque('usernames')
>>> url_to_response = fanout_cache.index('responses')

The cache shard exists in a subdirectory of the fanout-cache with the given name.

:doc:`DiskCache <index>` includes a few synchronization recipes for cross-thread and cross-process communication:

A variety of settings are available to improve performance. These values are stored in the database for durability and to communicate between processes. Each value is cached in an attribute with matching name. Attributes are updated using :meth:`reset <diskcache.Cache.reset>`. Attributes are set during initialization when passed as keyword arguments.

The :meth:`reset <diskcache.FanoutCache.reset>` method accepts an optional second argument that updates the corresponding value in the database. The return value is the latest retrieved from the database. Notice that attributes are updated lazily. Prefer idioms like :meth:`len <diskcache.FanoutCache.__len__>`, :meth:`volume <diskcache.FanoutCache.volume>`, and :meth:`keyword arguments <diskcache.FanoutCache.__init__>` rather than using :meth:`reset <diskcache.FanoutCache.reset>` directly.

>>> cache = Cache(size_limit=int(4e9))
>>> print(cache.size_limit)
>>> cache.disk_min_file_size
>>> cache.reset('cull_limit', 0)  # Disable automatic evictions.
>>> cache.set(b'key', 1.234)
>>> cache.count           # Stale attribute.
>>> cache.reset('count')  # Prefer: len(cache)

More settings correspond to :ref:`Disk <tutorial-disk>` attributes. Each of these may be specified when initializing the :ref:`Cache <tutorial-cache>`. Changing these values will update the unprefixed attribute on the :class:`Disk <diskcache.Disk>` object.

  • disk_min_file_size, default 32 kilobytes. The minimum size to store a value in a file.
  • disk_pickle_protocol, default highest Pickle protocol. The Pickle protocol to use for data types that are not natively supported.

An additional set of attributes correspond to SQLite pragmas. Changing these values will also execute the appropriate PRAGMA statement. See the SQLite pragma documentation for more details.

  • sqlite_auto_vacuum, default 1, "FULL".
  • sqlite_cache_size, default 8,192 pages.
  • sqlite_journal_mode, default "wal".
  • sqlite_mmap_size, default 64 megabytes.
  • sqlite_synchronous, default 1, "NORMAL".

Each of these settings can passed to :class:`DjangoCache <diskcache.DjangoCache>` via the OPTIONS key mapping. Always measure before and after changing the default values. Default settings are programmatically accessible at :data:`diskcache.DEFAULT_SETTINGS`.

:doc:`DiskCache <index>` supports four eviction policies each with different tradeoffs for accessing and storing items.

  • "least-recently-stored" is the default. Every cache item records the time it was stored in the cache. This policy adds an index to that field. On access, no update is required. Keys are evicted starting with the oldest stored keys. As :doc:`DiskCache <index>` was intended for large caches (gigabytes) this policy usually works well enough in practice.
  • "least-recently-used" is the most commonly used policy. An index is added to the access time field stored in the cache database. On every access, the field is updated. This makes every access into a read and write which slows accesses.
  • "least-frequently-used" works well in some cases. An index is added to the access count field stored in the cache database. On every access, the field is incremented. Every access therefore requires writing the database which slows accesses.
  • "none" disables cache evictions. Caches will grow without bound. Cache items will still be lazily removed if they expire. The persistent data types, :class:`.Deque` and :class:`.Index`, use the "none" eviction policy. For :ref:`lazy culling <tutorial-culling>` use the :ref:`cull_limit <constants>` setting instead.

All clients accessing the cache are expected to use the same eviction policy. The policy can be set during initialization using a keyword argument.

>>> cache = Cache()
>>> print(cache.eviction_policy)
>>> cache = Cache(eviction_policy='least-frequently-used')
>>> print(cache.eviction_policy)
>>> print(cache.reset('eviction_policy', 'least-recently-used'))

Though the eviction policy is changed, the previously created indexes will not be dropped. Prefer to always specify the eviction policy as a keyword argument to initialize the cache.

:class:`diskcache.Disk` objects are responsible for serializing and deserializing data stored in the cache. Serialization behavior differs between keys and values. In particular, keys are always stored in the cache metadata database while values are sometimes stored separately in files.

To customize serialization, you may pass in a :class:`Disk <diskcache.Disk>` subclass to initialize the cache. All clients accessing the cache are expected to use the same serialization. The default implementation uses Pickle and the example below uses compressed JSON, available for convenience as :class:`JSONDisk <diskcache.JSONDisk>`.

class JSONDisk(diskcache.Disk):
    def __init__(self, directory, compress_level=1, **kwargs):
        self.compress_level = compress_level
        super().__init__(directory, **kwargs)

    def put(self, key):
        json_bytes = json.dumps(key).encode('utf-8')
        data = zlib.compress(json_bytes, self.compress_level)
        return super().put(data)

    def get(self, key, raw):
        data = super().get(key, raw)
        return json.loads(zlib.decompress(data).decode('utf-8'))

    def store(self, value, read, key=UNKNOWN):
        if not read:
            json_bytes = json.dumps(value).encode('utf-8')
            value = zlib.compress(json_bytes, self.compress_level)
        return super().store(value, read, key=key)

    def fetch(self, mode, filename, value, read):
        data = super().fetch(mode, filename, value, read)
        if not read:
            data = json.loads(zlib.decompress(data).decode('utf-8'))
        return data

with Cache(disk=JSONDisk, disk_compress_level=6) as cache:

Four data types can be stored natively in the cache metadata database: integers, floats, strings, and bytes. Other datatypes are converted to bytes via the Pickle protocol. Beware that integers and floats like 1 and 1.0 will compare equal as keys just as in Python. All other equality comparisons will require identical types.

Though :doc:`DiskCache <index>` has a dictionary-like interface, Python's hash protocol is not used. Neither the __hash__ nor __eq__ methods are used for lookups. Instead lookups depend on the serialization method defined by :class:`Disk <diskcache.Disk>` objects. For strings, bytes, integers, and floats, equality matches Python's definition. But large integers and all other types will be converted to bytes and the bytes representation will define equality.

The default :class:`diskcache.Disk` serialization uses pickling for both keys and values. Unfortunately, pickling produces inconsistencies sometimes when applied to container data types like tuples. Two equal tuples may serialize to different bytes objects using pickle. The likelihood of differences is reduced by using pickletools.optimize but still inconsistencies occur (#54). The inconsistent serialized pickle values is particularly problematic when applied to the key in the cache. Consider using an alternative Disk type, like :class:`JSONDisk <diskcache.JSONDisk>`, for consistent serialization of keys.

SQLite is used to synchronize database access between threads and processes and as such inherits all SQLite caveats. Most notably SQLite is not recommended for use with Network File System (NFS) mounts. For this reason, :doc:`DiskCache <index>` currently performs poorly on Python Anywhere. Users have also reported issues running inside of Parallels shared folders.

When the disk or database is full, a :exc:`sqlite3.OperationalError` will be raised from any method that attempts to write data. Read operations will still succeed so long as they do not cause any write (as might occur if cache statistics are being recorded).

Asynchronous support using Python's async and await keywords and asyncio module is blocked by a lack of support in the underlying SQLite module. But it is possible to run :doc:`DiskCache <index>` methods in a thread-pool executor asynchronously. For example:

import asyncio

async def set_async(key, val):
    loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
    future = loop.run_in_executor(None, cache.set, key, val)
    result = await future
    return result'test-key', 'test-value'))

The cache :meth:`volume <diskcache.Cache.volume>` is based on the size of the database that stores metadata and the size of the values stored in files. It does not account the size of directories themselves or other filesystem metadata. If directory count or size is a concern then consider implementing an alternative :class:`Disk <diskcache.Disk>`.

:doc:`DiskCache <index>` is mostly built on SQLite and the filesystem. Some techniques used to improve performance:

  • Shard database to distribute writes.
  • Leverage SQLite native types: integers, floats, unicode, and bytes.
  • Use SQLite write-ahead-log so reads and writes don't block each other.
  • Use SQLite memory-mapped pages to accelerate reads.
  • Store small values in SQLite database and large values in files.
  • Always use a SQLite index for queries.
  • Use SQLite triggers to maintain key count and database size.