FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
The largest collection of PyTorch image encoders / backbones. Including train, eval, inference, export scripts, and pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, NFNet, Vision Transformer (V…
120+ interactive Python coding interview challenges (algorithms and data structures). Includes Anki flashcards.
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.
Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
Machine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep lear…
State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
Python sample codes and textbook for robotics algorithms.
Data Apps & Dashboards for Python. No JavaScript Required.
Magenta: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence
PyScript is an open source platform for Python in the browser. Try PyScript: Examples: Community:
A Deep Learning based project for colorizing and restoring old images (and video!)
Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
Fast and flexible image augmentation library. Paper about the library:
Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
A modern and customizable python UI-library based on Tkinter
A cross-platform GUI automation Python module for human beings. Used to programmatically control the mouse & keyboard.