Releases: iMoonLab/DeepHypergraph
Releases · iMoonLab/DeepHypergraph
v0.9.4 release
We are releasing the v0.9.4 version now! In v0.9.4, we add 6 hypergraph datasets and fix some known bugs.
New Datasets:
- DBLP-4k @yifanfeng97
- IMDB4k @yifanfeng97
- Recipe100k @yifanfeng97
- Recipe200k @yifanfeng97
- Yelp3k @yifanfeng97
- Tencent2k @yifanfeng97
Fix bugs:
- fix last layer bn bugs @yifanfeng97
- fix device error of graph,di_graph,bi_graph,hypergraph laplacian computing @yifanfeng97
New features:
v0.9.3 release
We release the v0.9.3 version now! In v0.9.3, we add a hypergraph dataset, fix some known bugs, and add some hypergraph operation.
New Datasets:
Fix bugs:
- fix hypergraph D_v bugs ( h[v, e] -> w[e]*h[v, e] ) @yifanfeng97
- fix group_name and test bugs @yifanfeng97
- fix bug (ndcg and recall nan) @yifanfeng97
New features:
v0.9.2 release
We release the v0.9.2 version now! In v0.9.2, we have added 21 datasets, 6 SOTA methods, and structure and feature visualizations.
New datasets:
- BlogCatalog
- Flickr
- Github
- TencentBiGraph
- CoraBiGraph
- PubmedBiGraph
- CiteseerBiGraph
- CoauthorshipCora
- CoauthorshipDBLP
- CocitationCora
- CocitationCiteseer
- CocitationPubmed
- YelpRestaurant
- WalmartTrips
- HouseCommittees
- News20
New SOTA methods:
Structure visualization:
Feature visualization:
- Random drop edges in spectral/spatial-based learning
- Random drop edges to generate a new structure
- Add random vertex feature generation dhg.random.normal_features
- Add multi-head wrapper dhg.nn.MultiHeadWrapper
DHG's first release version! Those attached packages can be installed by pip.