Created by Yutong Feng, Yifan Feng, Haoxuan You, Xibin Zhao, Yue Gao from Tsinghua University.
This work will appear in AAAI 2019. We proposed a novel framework (MeshNet) for 3D shape representation, which could learn on mesh data directly and achieve satisfying performance compared with traditional methods based on mesh and representative methods based on other types of data. You can also check out paper for a deeper introduction.
Mesh is an important and powerful type of data for 3D shapes. Due to the complexity and irregularity of mesh data, there is little effort on using mesh data for 3D shape representation in recent years. We propose a mesh neural network, named MeshNet, to learn 3D shape representation directly from mesh data. Face-unit and feature splitting are introduced to solve the complexity and irregularity problem. We have applied MeshNet in the applications of 3D shape classification and retrieval. Experimental results and comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods demonstrate that MeshNet can achieve satisfying 3D shape classification and retrieval performance, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method on 3D shape representation.
In this repository, we release the code and data for train a Mesh Neural Network for classification and retrieval tasks on ModelNet40 dataset.
if you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={MeshNet: Mesh Neural Network for 3D Shape Representation},
author={Feng, Yutong and Feng, Yifan and You, Haoxuan and Zhao, Xibin and Gao, Yue},
journal={AAAI 2019},
Install PyTorch 0.4.0. You also need to install yaml. The code has been tested with Python 3.6, PyTorch 0.4.0 and CUDA 9.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.
Firstly, you should download the reorganized ModelNet40 dataset. Then, configure the "data_root" in config/train_config.yaml
and config/test_config.yaml
with your path to the downloaded dataset:
# config/train_config.yaml and config/test_config.yaml
data_root: [your_path_to_dataset]
For each data file
in ModelNet, we reorganize it to the format required by MeshNet and store it into XXX.npz
. The reorganized file includes two parts of data:
- The "face" part contains the center position, vertices' positions and normal vector of each face.
- The "neighbor_index" part contains the indices of neighbors of each face.
To train and evaluate MeshNet for classification and retrieval:
You can modify the configuration in the config/train_config.yaml
for your own training, including the CUDA devices to use, the flag of data augmentation and the hyper-parameters of MeshNet.
The pretrained MeshNet model weights are stored in pretrained model. You can download it and configure the "load_model" in config/test_config.yaml
with your path to the weight file.
# config/test_config.yaml
load_model: [your_path_to_weight_file]
To evaluate the model for classification and retrieval:
Our code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).