VSHN automates the operation of applications in the cloud or on-premise, so that our partners as software developers can have peace of mind and build their awesome application. VSHN is the Ops in DevOps, together with our partners.
You will be employed by VSHN AG in Zurich, but in general you can work remotely as often as you want. The decision to hire someone for remote only is ultimately up to the team you would be working in. We expect our employees to show up at the office from time to time or at least attend the 4-5 annual company events for socializing.
You can read more about working at VSHN and especially about working remotely in our handbook.
Currently, we can only hire people remote-only who live in Switzerland.
Kubernetes, OpenShift, GitLab, Puppet, Go, Python, Linux
VSHN AG, Neugasse 10, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland