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File metadata and controls

263 lines (219 loc) · 9.24 KB



The CVAT module written in TypeScript language. It presents a canvas to viewing, drawing and editing of annotations.


If you make changes in this package, please do following:

  • After not important changes (typos, backward compatible bug fixes, refactoring) do: yarn version --patch
  • After changing API (backward compatible new features) do: yarn version --minor
  • After changing API (changes that break backward compatibility) do: yarn version --major


  • Building of the module from sources in the dist directory:
yarn run build
yarn run build --mode=development     # without a minification


Canvas itself handles:

  • Shape context menu (PKM)
  • Image moving (mousedrag)
  • Image resizing (mousewheel)
  • Image fit (dblclick)
  • Remove point (PKM)
  • Polyshape editing (Shift + LKM)

API Methods

    enum RectDrawingMethod {
        CLASSIC = 'By 2 points',
        EXTREME_POINTS = 'By 4 points'

    enum CuboidDrawingMethod {
        CLASSIC = 'From rectangle',
        CORNER_POINTS = 'By 4 points',

    enum Mode {
        IDLE = 'idle',
        DRAG = 'drag',
        RESIZE = 'resize',
        DRAW = 'draw',
        EDIT = 'edit',
        MERGE = 'merge',
        SPLIT = 'split',
        GROUP = 'group',
        INTERACT = 'interact',
        SELECT_ROI = 'select_roi',
        DRAG_CANVAS = 'drag_canvas',
        ZOOM_CANVAS = 'zoom_canvas',

    interface Configuration {
      smoothImage?: boolean;
      autoborders?: boolean;
      displayAllText?: boolean;
      textFontSize?: number;
      textPosition?: 'auto' | 'center';
      textContent?: string;
      undefinedAttrValue?: string;
      showProjections?: boolean;
      forceDisableEditing?: boolean;
      intelligentPolygonCrop?: boolean;
      forceFrameUpdate?: boolean;
      creationOpacity?: number;
      CSSImageFilter?: string;

    interface DrawData {
        enabled: boolean;
        shapeType?: string;
        rectDrawingMethod?: RectDrawingMethod;
        cuboidDrawingMethod?: CuboidDrawingMethod;
        numberOfPoints?: number;
        initialState?: any;
        crosshair?: boolean;

    interface InteractionData {
        shapeType: string;
        minVertices?: number;

    interface GroupData {
        enabled: boolean;
        resetGroup?: boolean;

    interface MergeData {
        enabled: boolean;

    interface SplitData {
        enabled: boolean;

    interface InteractionResult {
        points: number[];
        shapeType: string;
        button: number;

    interface DrawnData {
        shapeType: string;
        points: number[];
        objectType?: string;
        occluded?: boolean;
        attributes?: [index: number]: string;
        label?: Label;
        color?: string;

    interface Canvas {
        html(): HTMLDivElement;
        setup(frameData: any, objectStates: any[], zLayer?: number): void;
        setupReviewROIs(reviewROIs: Record<number, number[]>): void;
        activate(clientID: number | null, attributeID?: number): void;
        rotate(rotationAngle: number): void;
        focus(clientID: number, padding?: number): void;
        fit(): void;
        grid(stepX: number, stepY: number): void;

        interact(interactionData: InteractionData): void;
        draw(drawData: DrawData): void;
        group(groupData: GroupData): void;
        split(splitData: SplitData): void;
        merge(mergeData: MergeData): void;
        select(objectState: any): void;

        fitCanvas(): void;
        bitmap(enable: boolean): void;
        selectROI(enable: boolean): void;
        dragCanvas(enable: boolean): void;
        zoomCanvas(enable: boolean): void;

        mode(): Mode;
        cancel(): void;
        configure(configuration: Configuration): void;
        isAbleToChangeFrame(): boolean;
        destroy(): void;

        readonly geometry: Geometry;


  • All drawn objects (shapes, tracks) have an id cvat_canvas_shape_{objectState.clientID}
  • Drawn shapes and tracks have classes cvat_canvas_shape, cvat_canvas_shape_activated, cvat_canvas_shape_grouping, cvat_canvas_shape_merging, cvat_canvas_shape_drawing, cvat_canvas_shape_occluded
  • Drawn review ROIs have an id cvat_canvas_issue_region_{}
  • Drawn review roi has the class cvat_canvas_issue_region
  • Drawn texts have the class cvat_canvas_text
  • Tags have the class cvat_canvas_tag
  • Canvas image has ID cvat_canvas_image
  • Grid on the canvas has ID cvat_canvas_grid and cvat_canvas_grid_pattern
  • Crosshair during a draw has class cvat_canvas_crosshair
  • To stick something to a specific position you can use an element with id cvat_canvas_attachment_board


Standard JS events are used.

    - canvas.setup
    - canvas.activated => {state: ObjectState}
    - canvas.clicked => {state: ObjectState}
    - canvas.moved => {states: ObjectState[], x: number, y: number}
    - canvas.find => {states: ObjectState[], x: number, y: number}
    - canvas.drawn => {state: DrawnData}
    - canvas.interacted => {shapes: InteractionResult[]}
    - canvas.editstart
    - canvas.edited => {state: ObjectState, points: number[]}
    - canvas.splitted => {state: ObjectState}
    - canvas.groupped => {states: ObjectState[]}
    - canvas.merged => {states: ObjectState[]}
    - canvas.canceled
    - canvas.dragstart
    - canvas.dragstop
    - canvas.zoomstart
    - canvas.zoomstop
    - canvas.zoom
    - canvas.reshape
    - canvas.dragshape => {id: number}
    - canvas.roiselected => {points: number[]}
    - canvas.resizeshape => {id: number}
    - canvas.contextmenu => { mouseEvent: MouseEvent, objectState: ObjectState,  pointID: number }
    - canvas.error => { exception: Error }
    - canvas.destroy


// Create an instance of a canvas
const canvas = new window.canvas.Canvas();

console.log('Version ', window.canvas.CanvasVersion);
console.log('Current mode is ', window.canvas.mode());

// Put canvas to a html container

// Next you can use its API methods. For example:
  enabled: true,
  shapeType: 'rectangle',
  crosshair: true,
  rectDrawingMethod: window.Canvas.RectDrawingMethod.CLASSIC,

API Reaction

setup() + + + +/- + +/- +/- +/- + + +
activate() + - - - - - - - - - -
rotate() + + + + + + + + + + +
focus() + + + + + + + + + + +
fit() + + + + + + + + + + +
grid() + + + + + + + + + + +
draw() + - - + - - - - - - -
interact() + - - - - - - - - - +
split() + - + - - - - - - - -
group() + + - - - - - - - - -
merge() + - - - + - - - - - -
fitCanvas() + + + + + + + + + + +
dragCanvas() + - - - - - + - - + -
zoomCanvas() + - - - - - - + + - -
cancel() - + + + + + + + + + +
configure() + + + + + + + + + + +
bitmap() + + + + + + + + + + +
setZLayer() + + + + + + + + + + +
setupReviewROIs() + + + + + + + + + + +
destroy() + + + + + + + + + + +

You can call setup() during editing, dragging, and resizing only to update objects, not to change a frame. You can change frame during draw only when you do not redraw an existing object

Other methods do not change state and can be used at any time.