Supervisor manager in node.js
- Node.js
- Supervisord
Clone the git repository into a folder and run:
npm install
Run the app using:
node app
After the app has started, navigate to the machine in a browser on port 3000. For instance:
Log in using the default credentials of:
- Email: admin@nodervisor
- Password: admin
Navigate to the users page using the top menu. Change the admin credentials or add a new user and remove them.
Navigate to the hosts page using the top menu. Then add a host running supervisord using the form. Your supervisord config on each host should be set up to allow the xmlrpc interface over a inet port.
At this point, navigating back to the home page should show you a list of your hosts, and the processes running on them.
- Profile page
- Allow user to reset own password
- Store hosts in mysql
- Log Start/Stop/Restart/Deletes of hosts with relevant user