Needs to handle two scenarios:
- File analysis
- REPL analysis
We cannot assume that one comes before the other.
We'll want to track references to vars and locals, so we need more than just a list of expressions. Due to REPL usage, any definition can be replaced at any time, which will need to trigger type checking again and will need to carry over reference tracking.
It makes sense to categorize expressions into defs and non-defs, but order between expressions must also be preserved, unless some dependency tracking is to be done, but that doesn't seem worth it. So a list of expressions, maintaining order, can be kept and then a separate collection of references to those for the defs.
Keeping track of non-def expressions is very difficult, for multiple reasons:
- It's hard to know if any particular expression came from a source file or a REPL.
- Even if it came from a source file, it's hard to know if that expression has since been deleted from the file.
- Continuous typing of updated vars cannot work while keeping old non-def expressions since they could no longer be type-correct, but it's hard to know if that's actually an error.
- Keeping track of every non-def expression will result in unbounded memory growth during long REPL sessions, while the majority of those expressions are no longer relevant.
With all of these concerns, there are a couple of approaches which become apparent:
- Only do whole program type checking during AOT compilation. This severely limits the REPL experience, but it solves this whole class of problems by ruling out the arbitrary REPL inputs.
- Only perform forward type checking during REPL usage, meaning that previous expressions are not retroactively type checked when a var changes. This also involves tossing out all non-def expressions after type checking them.
The difference here is that, without forward type checking (i.e. during whole program analysis), this would be a type error:
(def a 1)
(defn foo []
(def a "meow")
This is because a
is expected to have a stable type, across redefinitions,
during whole program analysis. But, in the REPL, I might want to change what a
is all the time, until I figure out what I want it to be:
(def a 1)
; Hm, maybe lift it...
(def a {:stuff 1})
; I might have multiple?
(def a [{:stuff 1}])
; Nah, this is fine.
(def a 1)
This needs to work, but if I do something with a
after it has been set, the
forward type checking can still pick that up.
(def a 1)
(+ a a) ; Checks out
(def a [1])
(+ a a) ; Type error
Clojure, being as dynamic as it is, can evaluate each form one after the next. As long as all symbols are in scope and semantically capable to be used in that form, all is well. This rules out things like whole programs analysis, though, since analyzing the program would require running the whole thing.
Def, for example, can show up in a few different ways:
- Top-level
(def a 5)
(println a)
- Within another top-level expression
(def a (do
(def b 5)
(println b)
- Anywhere else
(defn foo []
(def a 1)
(println a))
The first two could be supported during file analysis by always evaluating top-level forms, but the third case would end up causing issues. So, if jank wants to be able to analyze (and type check) the third case in a holistic sense, it needs to depart from the conflation of evaluation and analysis.
Interop with C and C++ will require the following abilities:
- Include headers for cling to source (Carp does this as fns in the code) a. Thus the ability to add header include paths
- Link jank sources to existing libraries a. Thus the ability to add library paths
- Call native functions from jank
- Represent native objects in jank's runtime
- Explicitly box/unbox native objects
- Refer to native globals from jank
- Reach fields and call member functions on native objects
- Extract the underlying native value for some jank objects (numbers, strings, etc)
- Convert native values to jank objects (numbers, strings, arrays, etc)
- Create native objects (numbers, strings, arrays, etc)
The priority for interop is the ability to call into existing C and C++ libraries. Exposing all of C++ is not a goal.
- Ferret:
- Carp:
Comparing the approaches of Ferret and Carp, we can see two different ways interop can be tackled. Let's assume we want to call this fn which uses a header-only third-party HTTP library.
// http.hpp
#include <httplib.h>
inline httplib::Response http_get(char const * const host, char const * const path)
httplib::Client cli(host);
return client.Get(path);
Ferret gives all control to the developer and just uses inline C++ as strings. Wrapping the HTTP get fn would look like this:
(native-header "http.hpp")
(defn http-get [host path]
(cxx "auto const response(http_get(string::c_str(host), string::c_str(path)));
__result = obj<string>(response.body);"))
(http-get "localhost" "/meow")
Conversion to/from native types just uses Ferret's C++ API, the same as the compiler's runtime would.
- Very light for jank; no need to encode all the normal C++ types and conversions into jank code, since it already has a C++ API for this
- Tons of power for the developer; not bound by a limited interop API
- It's more work for the developer, who has to know enough C++ to be useful
- It's error-prone, both because writing C++ is hard and because writing C++ is hard
- It's inherently tied to jank's C++ API, so any interface changes will result in compilation errors for various projects
Carp approaches this from the direction of providing an API for all the things which can be done for interop, such as conversions and boxing. For example:
(relative-include "http.hpp")
(register-type HttpResponse "httplib::Response")
(register http-get (Fn [(Ptr CChar) (Ptr CChar)] (Ptr CChar)) "http_get")
(http-get (String.cstr "localhost") (String.cstr "/meow"))
Carp technically wraps C, not C++, but I'm using the same syntax it has here for C++ types as well. Registering fns doesn't require manually defining any inline C++; it builds upon compile-provided mechanisms for conveying native interfaces using Carp's syntax. This leaks less of the C++ details, but is ultimately more limiting.
It's worth noting that Carp also supports inline native code, in the form of what it calls "templates". For example:
(deftemplate add (Fn [a a] a)
"$a $NAME($a x, $a y)"
"$DECL {
return x + y;
(add 1 2)
(add 20l 22l)
(add 2.0f 5.0f)
; Can't do that as they're different types
; (add 2.0f 22l)
- jank devs don't need to know C++ well; the interop API can be documented along with jank
- Wrapper libraries have easier mechanisms for creating idiomatic-feeling jank code that's really doing interop
- Supporting all of this in jank really grows the language and departs it from Clojure
- Each native function and type needs to be manually lifted into jank, rather than kept as an implementation detail
- Since each fn isn't wrapped, it's registered, the nativeness of it leaks (calling a fn taking C strs requires manual conversions at each call site); this will ultimately result in fns being both wrapped and registered
I'll note that, even if Carp's approach isn't chosen, I think the way it handles overriding the native names for symbols is clean and should be done by jank as well.
I think Ferret's approach is both lightweight and flexible. A system like what Carp has could always be added on if it's needed, but even Carp has the escape hatch into the native world so it makes sense to start with that.
I don't like the idea of the C++ code just being a string, so I'm chewing on how to make it richer while still keeping things simple. In terms of how it'll look in jank, here's what I'm thinking:
(defn string? [o]
(native/raw "__value = make_box(#{ o }#->as_string() != nullptr)"))
Two things of note here:
- Everything under the
ns will be jank-provided mechanisms for working with interop - Rather than just putting
in the string, we use interpolation; this will help reduce typos, magically do munging, ensure captures are properly closed over, and help with tooling, so LSP can identity that as a usage ofo
This alone will allow me to implement a great deal of clojure.core
It doesn't solve all interop questions, but I'll get to them.
The expression (println (if :foo :a :b))
results in the following decompiled
Java, from Clojure:
public static Object invokeStatic() {
// println
final IFn fn = (IFn)user$fn_line_1__219.const__0.getRawRoot();
// foo
final Keyword const__1 = user$fn_line_1__219.const__1;
// truthy check becomes a != null and != false check
if (const__1 != null) {
if (const__1 != Boolean.FALSE) {
// Lifted constant gets put into a local and the println call is
// duplicated here and also below
final Keyword keyword = user$fn_line_1__219.const__2;
return fn.invoke(keyword);
final Keyword keyword = user$fn_line_1__219.const__3;
return fn.invoke(keyword);
Even worse, if the expression grows to be (println (if :foo :a :b) (if :bar :c :d))
then the generated code effectively has a goto
public static Object invokeStatic() {
// println
final IFn fn = (IFn)user$fn_line_1__223.const__0.getRawRoot();
// foo
final Keyword const__1 = user$fn_line_1__223.const__1;
Keyword keyword = null;
Label_0032: {
if (const__1 != null) {
if (const__1 != Boolean.FALSE) {
keyword = user$fn_line_1__223.const__2;
// curious that this isn't just an else with a combined if, but ok
break Label_0032;
keyword = user$fn_line_1__223.const__3;
// bar
final Keyword const__2 = user$fn_line_1__223.const__4;
if (const__2 != null) {
if (const__2 != Boolean.FALSE) {
final Keyword keyword2 = user$fn_line_1__223.const__5;
return fn.invoke(keyword, keyword2);
final Keyword keyword2 = user$fn_line_1__223.const__6;
return fn.invoke(keyword, keyword2);
So, given these two examples, we see two different strategies:
- Nest the
statements and duplicate the outer call to println - Mutate a local and use a single call
I suspect that the first strategy is used over the second in favor of performance, but, favoring simplicity, I'd rather just explore one option right now. Before moving forward with the second option, it'd help to prove that it alone will handle all of the necessary cases of if and let.
Here we pull the value of each branch into a local and return that. Just like
strategy #2 above, but we're using return rather than calling a fn. If there is
no else form, we can still generate one to set the value to nil
(fn []
(if foo
jank::runtime::object_ptr call() const override
object_ptr val;
{ val = 1; }
{ val = 2; }
return val;
(println (if foo (thing)))
jank::runtime::object_ptr call() const override
object_ptr val;
{ val = thing->call(); }
{ val = JANK_NIL; }
return println->call(val);
(println (if foo (if thing 1) 2))
jank::runtime::object_ptr call() const override
object_ptr val1;
object_ptr val2;
{ val2 = 1; }
{ val2 = JANK_NIL; }
val1 = val2;
{ val1 = 2; }
return println->call(val1);
(println (str (if foo "a" "b")))
jank::runtime::object_ptr call() const override
object_ptr val1;
{ val1 = "a"; }
{ val1 = "b"; }
object_ptr val2{ str->call(val1) };
return println->call(val2);
In terms of capability set, these are the categories I want to hit:
- Gradual typing
- Structural typing
- Dependent typing
- HM-style inference
In terms of API and usage, there are these:
- Malli-style syntax
- jank-provided API for transforming types in macros
JIT compilation support can be broken down into the following steps:
- Codegen to C++ (requires a fair amount of semantic analysis)
- JIT compilation and evaluation
- Cache generated source (or LLVM IR? or C++ modules?) when loading whole files (i.e.
Currently, jank is using boost::intrusive_ptr
for reference counting runtime
objects. This will not detect cycles, so it will lead to memory leaks. jank's
requirements will require determinism, but there are still a few options here.
- Reference counting (with cyclical detection and weak refs where needed)
- Lifetime tracking
Note that whatever is chosen needs to work with interop as well, so it needs to be flexible enough to hand over ownership to native land or acquire it.
Interesting things with Roc:
- I originally presented to benefits of types
- Correctness and documentation
- Rich shat on this primarily, saying he's never seen any proof that static typing adds value for flexible systems (though he concedes later it can add value to rigid systems)
- Performance
- Rich ultimately said that these optimizations are best done dynamically,
using something like Hotspot, rather than statically
- Where you need to optimize may change between each run of your program
- Rich ultimately said that these optimizations are best done dynamically,
using something like Hotspot, rather than statically
- Correctness and documentation
- Rich's use case for spec was not to be a busted type system
- People choose to poor concrete on their feet
- Using types to help you refactor is inherently bad (Rich said "bad" a lot)
- Any place the type system would fail after refactoring is a place which is lacking in flexibility
- To order shoes, we don't use a show cart, shoe credit card, put them into a shoe box, on a shoe box truck, and deliver them to your shoe box door
- We need to design systems not for the current shape of the data, but for the
shape of the data over time
- spec2 aims to do this better
- Rich says there ARE domains where this rigidity is desired and beneficial
- Rich mentioned security, such as cryptography, where flexibility is not the goal
- However, when I presented that instances of such black/white decisions are so rare in this world, Rich said that it is indeed black and white
- Eric Normand jumped in here to say it's a soundness issue
- If you're going to statically type anything, it's wasted unless you statically type everything
- Both Rich and Eric kept using the word "cost" for static types, as though
there was an agreed upon, fixed cost
- I challenged them on this, but didn't get much
- Rich said many bright young minds are wasted on this
- He said it's a waste of time and that I should work on something else
- I asked him if that's what he told Ambrose, but he said that Ambrose was working on his PhD and that's what he wanted to do, do Rich gave him the blessing
- Finally, Rich said multiple times
- Know what problem you're trying to solve
- Know the cost it will take to solve that problem
- I see this metaphor
- Flexible systems are a river
- The shape is constantly changing everywhere
- Gradually typed systems are a river with some dams
- The shape is constantly changing in many places, but it's held in a rigid shape in some places
- Flexible systems are a river
- How low can the actual cost go?
- I'm confident that I can fork clojure, add in a system which understands
specs and optimizes your code when you spec your fns, and then secretly
merge it into main (with help)
- Rich would be opposed to this, in theory, but he wouldn't notice it in practice, which means the cost is 0
- I'm confident that I can fork clojure, add in a system which understands
specs and optimizes your code when you spec your fns, and then secretly
merge it into main (with help)
- Let's document the benefits of having more static type info
- Performance
- Correctness
- Tooling (autocomplete, suggestions, etc)
- Foreign syntax regions
- Narrowing: