A Github Pages template for academic websites. This was forked (then detached) from the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme, which is © 2016 Michael Rose and released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md.
- Fork this repository
- Rename it "yourusername.github.io"
- Do this in the settings menu (top right, below watch/star/fork buttons)
- Check it is running in the "Github Pages" section of the settings page.
- Update variables in _config.yml to match your site
- url is especially important
- Update files in _pages directory to set top-level
- Update/delete sample files for different kinds of collections
- The files for each item are in _talks, _teaching, _publications, _portfolio, and _posts for each item in these collections
- Delete the sample files (no need to delete the directory) if you do not want a kind of collection in your site
- Update top menu bar (to add/remove items) by editing _data/navigation.yml
- Run talkmap.ipynb (must have repository cloned) to generate talkmap