Flawless AI
- Chicago, IL
Starred repositories
C++ research project to learn more about cameras, image processing, color spaces, OpenCV and multi‑threading.
A lightweight 3D Morphable Face Model library in modern C++
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
Console-based GLSL Sandbox for 2D/3D shaders
The MS Azure Kinect kinfu example, with dlls compiled for Windows x64 (to save us all the trouble of wrangling its 25GB of dependencies for a 35MB app).
Open source c++ skeletal animation library and toolset
Python wrapper to Philipp Krähenbühl's dense (fully connected) CRFs with gaussian edge potentials.
Hand detection software built with OpenCV.
A repository for storing models that have been inter-converted between various frameworks. Supported frameworks are TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, OpenVINO, TFJS, TFTRT, TensorFlowLite (Float32/16/INT8…
Efficient 3D Morphable Model Face Fitting using Depth Sensing Technologies
open Multiple View Geometry library. Basis for 3D computer vision and Structure from Motion.