telegram bot to manage servers (inside the bot)
- change secret
- qr/config
- change fake domain
- multiple users
- subscriptions with routing (xray, sing-box, mihomo)
- routing templates per user
- routing via rulesets (sing-box, mihomo)
- steal from yourself
- add domains to warp
- change login
- change password
- change secret
- change password
- change dns
- add user
- add ip subnet
- expose-iroutes (lan between users)
- create
- delete
- rename
- timer
- torrent blocking
- qr/config
- AmneziaVPN vpn:// link
- statistics
- change password
- on/off v2ray
- qr
- short link
- change password
- change upstream dns
- check dns
- check safesearch
- add custom clientID for DNSoverTLS (DOT)
- fill allowed clients (WG/AWG + OpenConnect + VLESS)
- custom ID for each user VLESS
- the ability to create your own PAC available by url with the ability to substitute the final ip and port
- Shadowsocks Android PAC
- add antifilter-community or ru-bundle domain lists
- change secret
- qr/config
- add/change admin
- change language (en/ru)
- import/export all settings
- domain binding
- obtain ssl for domain
- fake html for domain
- ports block
environment: ubuntu 22.04/24.04, debian 11/12
wget -O- | sh -s YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_KEY
cd /root/vpnbot
bash scripts/