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Deploying the Github Actions CloudFormation Stack

Deploying ManagedPrometheus and its Policy

aws cloudformation deploy \
    --stack-name GithubActionsManagedPrometheus \
    --template-file prometheus_cloudformation.yaml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Deploy Timestream

aws cloudformation deploy \
   --stack-name GithubActionsTimestream \
   --template-file timestream_cloudformation.yaml \
   --parameter-overrides "DatabaseName=karpenterTesting" "TableName=scaleTestDurations" "SweeperTableName=sweeperCleanedResources"

[Optional] Deploying ManagedGrafana and its Policy

aws cloudformation deploy \
    --stack-name GithubActionsManagedGrafana \
    --template-file grafana_cloudformation.yaml \
    --parameter-overrides "PrometheusWorkspaceID=<workspace-id>" \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Deploying IAM Policies and OIDC Provider

aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name GithubActionsIAM \
    --template-file iam_cloudformation.yaml \
    --parameter-overrides "DatabaseName=karpenterTesting" "TableName=scaleTestDurations" "SweeperTableName=sweeperCleanedResources" "Repository=<repository>" Branches="*" "PrometheusWorkspaceID=<workspace-id>" Regions="us-east-2,us-west-2,..." \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Note: If deploying this cloudformation stack to reference back to your own repository, ensure you replace the Repository parameter override with your fully-qualified repository name in the format <organization>/<repo-name>. This parameter (along with the Branches parameter) tells the OIDC provider that is deployed for the action to reach out to, which branches and repos it should allow tokens to come from.