This migration guide is for migrating an existing cluster using etcd to store policy reports to reports-server.
You need to follow this if:
- The cluster has kyverno already installed, or,
- The cluster has policy reports crds already installed
Clusters with policy reports CRDs have existing API services for policy reports which need to be overwritten for reports-server to work. We do that by applying new api services with the label "false"
Follow the given methods to migrate to reports server on your existing cluster:
YAML manifest can be installed directly using kubectl apply
and this will overwrite the existing API services. Run the following command:
kubectl apply -f
Helm cannot overwrite resources when they are not managed by helm. Thus we recommend installing the chart without the api services using the following command:
helm install reports-server --namespace reports-server reports-server/reports-server --devel --set apiServices.enabled=false
Once the helm chart is installed, API services can be manually updated using kubectl apply
. Update our apiservices samples with the right reports-server name and namespace and apply that manifest.