Guangdong University of Technology
- Guangzhou CHINA
- libertyhhn.github.io
Diffusion-based Missing-view Generation With the Application on Incomplete Multi-view Clustering
A curated list of resources for using LLMs to develop more competitive grant applications.
A simple pip-installable Python tool to generate your own HTML citation world map from your Google Scholar ID.
A Survey and an Empirical Evaluation of Multi-view Clustering Approaches
Matlab code for the TKDE 2023 paper "Fast Multi-view Clustering via Ensembles: Towards Scalability, Superiority, and Simplicity".
Methods and Implements of Deep Clustering
Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
Riemannian stochastic optimization algorithms: Version 1.0.3
Code for Implicit Regularization in Deep Matrix Factorization.
NMFLibrary: Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) Library: Version 2.1
GCNet: Non-local Networks Meet Squeeze-Excitation Networks and Beyond
2021-2022 International Conferences in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing and Robotics