Lightbend software uses third-party libraries or other resources that may be distributed under licenses different than the Lightbend Commercial License.
In the event of accidental omission, please bring it to our attention by sending email to [email protected]
Document version 2.10 revised on December 16, 2022 based on the following projects only (note Docker-based commercial products are NOT included in these reports):
- Akka 2.7.x
- Akka HTTP 10.4.x
- Akka gRPC 2.2.x
- Akka Management 1.2.x
- Akka Commercial Addons 1.1.x
- Akka Streams 2.7.x
- Akka Projection 1.3.x
- Akka Persistence Cassandra 1.1.x
- Akka Persistence JDBC 5.2.x
- Akka Persistence R2DBC 1.0.x
- Alpakka Kafka 4.0.x
- Alpakka CSV 5.0.x
- Cloudflow 2.x
- Scala Fortify 1.0.x
- Lagom 1.6.x
- Insights (Telemetry) 2.17.x
- Play Framework 2.8.x
- sbt 1.x
- Scala 2.13.x