First of all, thank you for taking the time to make a contribution and reading this! Please ensure your pull request adheres to the following:
For the sake of coherence, the api documentation should follow the official LÖVE-wiki. If there is something you want to change, make sure that you edit the wiki first before submitting a pull request.
For the sake of easy editing of the documentation modules are located in a separate folder. Enums and Types of each module are contained in their respective subfolders.
name = 'theFunctionName',
description = 'The general description of this function.',
variants = {
{ -- Each variant is wrapped in its own table.
description = 'A description of this particular variant.',
arguments = {
{ -- Arguments are wrapped into their own tables.
type = 'string',
name = 'filename',
description = 'The path and name of the file with the font.'
type = 'number',
name = 'size',
default = '12', -- Default values are of type string!
description = 'The size of the font.'
returns = {
type = 'Font',
name = 'font',
description = 'The new font.'
-- Another variant
-- ...