KMP Build Android App
(2)A comprehensive GitHub Action for building Android applications with support for multiple flavors, build types, and secure release configurations.
- 🤖 Cross-flavor Android app building
- 🔒 Secure release configuration support
- 📦 Automatic artifact generation
- 🚀 Version code generation
- 🔑 Keystore and Google Services integration
- name: Checkout Repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Build Android Debug
uses: openMF/[email protected]
android_package_name: 'myapp'
- name: Build Android Release
uses: openMF/[email protected]
id: build-android
android_package_name: 'myapp'
build_type: 'Release'
key_store: ${{ secrets.KEYSTORE_BASE64 }}
google_services: ${{ secrets.GOOGLE_SERVICES_BASE64 }}
key_store_password: ${{ secrets.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD }}
key_store_alias: ${{ secrets.KEY_ALIAS }}
key_store_alias_password: ${{ secrets.KEY_ALIAS_PASSWORD }}
- name: Display APK Paths
run: |
echo "Demo APK: ${{ }}"
echo "Prod APK: ${{ }}"
flowchart TD
A[Start Build Process] --> B[Set up Java 17]
B --> C[Setup Gradle]
C --> D[Cache Gradle Dependencies]
D --> E[Generate Version Number]
E --> F{Build Type?}
F -->|Debug| G[Build Debug APK]
F -->|Release| H[Inflate Secrets]
H --> I[Build Release APK]
G --> J[Collect APK Paths]
I --> J
J --> K[Upload Artifacts]
K --> L[End Build Process]
Release Build Environment Variables To use release build environment variables in your Android project, update your build.gradle files:
App-level build.gradle
android {
namespace = "org.mifospay"
defaultConfig {
applicationId = "org.mifospay"
versionName = System.getenv("VERSION") ?: project.dynamicVersion
versionCode = System.getenv("VERSION_CODE")?.toIntOrNull() ?: 1
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
signingConfigs {
create("release") {
storeFile = file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE_PATH") ?: "release_keystore.keystore")
storePassword = System.getenv("KEYSTORE_PASSWORD") ?: "DefaultPassword"
keyAlias = System.getenv("KEYSTORE_ALIAS") ?: "default-alias"
keyPassword = System.getenv("KEYSTORE_ALIAS_PASSWORD") ?: "DefaultAlias"
enableV1Signing = true
enableV2Signing = true
- Description: Name of the Android project module
- Required:
- Type:
- Example:
- Description: Type of build to perform
- Required:
- Default:
- Options:
- Description: Base64 encoded keystore file
- Required:
(Required for Release builds) - Type:
- Description: google-services.json file
- Required:
- Type:
- Description: Generated artifact name
- Type:
- Default:
For release builds, you must provide:
- Base64 encoded keystore
- Keystore password
- Keystore alias
- Keystore alias password
- Gradle versionFile Task (Preferred)
- If version.txt can be generated via Gradle task
- Version read from version.txt
- Version code calculated based on total commit count
- Git-based Fallback
- Uses latest Git tag
- Starts from 1.0.0 if no tags exist
- Increments patch version
- Generates version code based on commit count
- Uploads APKs for both Demo and Prod flavors
- Artifact name defaults to
- APK paths are dynamically discovered
- Use secrets for sensitive information
- Separate debug and release configurations
- Implement secure keystore management
- Use mock files for development
- Verify keystore and Google Services configurations
- Check Gradle build scripts
- Review GitHub Actions logs
- Ensure all required secrets are configured
- Gradle dependency caching
- Efficient version code generation
- Minimal build step overhead
- Never commit sensitive files directly
- Use GitHub secrets for confidential data
- Rotate keys and credentials regularly
- Java 17
- Gradle
- Android Gradle Plugin
- Configured flavors (Demo/Prod)
KMP Build Android App is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.