Source code used in the quicksort experiments of the thesis ``On the Analysis of Two Randomized Algorithms: Multi-Pivot Quicksort and Efficient Hash Functions''.
Needs g++, cmake in version >= 2.8, libboost-random and libpapi for performance measurements. (Enabled by default, can be changed in CMakeLists.txt.)
Use the following commands on the top-level directory of the project.
mkdir build; cd build cmake .. make
For a release build with optimization flags, use
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
After successful compilation, the executable is located at build/src/qstest.
Example calls can be found in the directory ``examples''.
Basic toolkit to run experiments and measure running times provided by Timo Bingmann. (
Written November 28, 2014 by Martin Aumüller.