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Jan 13, 2025
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File metadata and controls

372 lines (289 loc) · 13.4 KB

GeoIP2 .NET API Release Notes


  • .NET 6.0 and .NET 7.0 have been removed as targets as they have both reach their end of support from Microsoft. If you are using these versions, the .NET Standard 2.1 target should continue working for you.
  • .NET 9.0 has been added as a target.
  • MetroCode in MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Location has been marked Obsolete. The code values are no longer being maintained.

5.2.0 (2023-12-05)

  • .NET 5.0 has been removed as a target as it has reach its end of life. However, if you are using .NET 5.0, the .NET Standard 2.1 target should continue working for you.
  • .NET 7.0 and .NET 8.0 have been added as a target.
  • The IsAnycast property was added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits. This returns true if the IP address belongs to an anycast network. This is available for the GeoIP2 Country, City Plus, and Insights web services and the GeoIP2 Country, City, and Enterprise databases.

5.1.0 (2022-02-04)

  • Update System.Text.Json to 6.0.1 for .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1.

5.0.0 (2022-02-04)

  • This library no longer targets .NET 4.6.1.
  • .NET 6.0 was added as a target.
  • On .NET 5.0+, HttpClient is now used for synchronous requests instead of WebRequest.

4.1.0 (2021-11-19)

  • Support for mobile country code (MCC) and mobile network codes (MNC) was added for the GeoIP2 ISP and Enterprise databases as well as the GeoIP2 City and Insights web services. The MobileCountryCode and MobileNetworkCode properties were added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses.IspResponse for the GeoIP2 ISP database and MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits for the Enterprise database and the GeoIP2 City and Insights web services. We expect this data to be available by late January, 2022.

4.0.1 (2020-11-19)

  • This release fixes an issue with 4.0.0 where the synchronous web service methods could cause an unexpected JSON decoding error. There are no other changes. The async WebServiceClient methods and the DatabaseReader were not affected by the issue.

4.0.0 (2020-11-17)

  • This library now requires .NET Framework 4.6.1 or greater or .NET Standard 2.0 or greater.
  • .NET 5.0 was added as a target framework.
  • System.Text.Json is now used for deserialization of web service requests. Newtonsoft.Json is no longer supported for serialization or deserialization.
  • The Names properties on NamedEntity models are now IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string>.
  • The Subdivisions property on CityResponse and InsightsResponse is now an IReadOnlyList<Subdivision>.
  • GeoNameId properties on NamedEntity models are now long? rather than int? to match the underlying database.
  • The httpMessageHandler argument is now correctly initialized by the WebServiceClient constructor.
  • The Metadata property was added to IGeoIP2DatabaseReader. Pull request by Mihai Valentin Caracostea. GitHub #134 & #135.

3.3.0 (2020-09-25)

  • The IsResidentialProxy property has been added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses.AnonymousIPResponse and MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits.

3.2.0 (2020-04-28)

  • You may now create WebServiceClient as Typed Client with IHttpClientFactory in .NET Core 2.1+. Pull Request by Bojan Nikolić. GitHub #115 & #117.
  • The WebServiceClient constructor now supports an optional httpMessageHandler parameter. This is used in creating the HttpClient for asynchronous requests.

3.1.0 (2019-12-06)

  • This library has been updated to support the nullable reference types introduced in C# 8.0.
  • A Network property has been added to the various response models. This represents the largest network where all the fields besides the IP address are the same.
  • The StaticIPScore property has been added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits. This output is available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights. It is an indicator of how static or dynamic an IP address is.
  • The UserCount property has been added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits. This output is available from GeoIP2 Precision Insights. It is an estimate of the number of users sharing the IP/network over the past 24 hours.
  • Updated documentation of anonymizer properties - IsAnonymousVpn and IsHostingProvider - to be more descriptive.
  • netstandard2.1 was added as a target framework.

3.0.0 (2018-04-11)

  • The userId constructor parameter for WebServiceClient was renamed to accountId and support was added for the error codes ACCOUNT_ID_REQUIRED and ACCOUNT_ID_UNKNOWN.
  • The exception classes are no longer serializable when using the .NET Framework. This eliminates a difference between the .NET Framework assemblies and the .NET Standard ones.
  • The AutonomousSystemNumber properties on MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits, MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses.AsnResponse, and MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses.IspResponse are now long? to match the underlying types in the databases.
  • MaxMind.Db was upgraded to 2.4.0. This adds a new file mode enum value for the database reader, FileAccessMode.MemoryMappedGlobal. When used, this will open the file in global memory map mode. This requires the "create global objects" right.

2.10.0 (2018-01-19)

  • The IsInEuropeanUnion property was added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Country and MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.RepresentedCountry. This property is true if the country is a member state of the European Union.

2.9.0 (2017-10-27)

  • The following new anonymizer properties were added to MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits for use with GeoIP2 Precision Insights: IsAnonymous, IsAnonymousVpn, IsHostingProvider, IsPublicProxy, and IsTorExitNode.
  • Deserialization of the registered country when reading a GeoLite2 Country or GeoIP2 Country database now works. Previously, it was deserialized to the wrong name. Reported by oliverherdener.
  • A netstandard2.0 target was added to eliminate additional dependencies required by the netstandard1.4 target. Pull request by Adeel Mujahid. GitHub #81.
  • As part of the above work, the separate Mono build files were dropped. As of Mono 5.0.0, msbuild is supported.

2.8.0 (2017-05-08)

  • Add support for GeoLite2 ASN.
  • Switch to the updated MSBuild .NET Core build system.
  • Move tests from NUnit to
  • Upgrade to MaxMind.Db 2.2.0.

2.7.2 (2016-11-22)

  • Use framework assembly for System.Net.Http on .NET 4.5.
  • Update for .NET Core 1.1.

2.7.1 (2016-08-08)

  • Re-release of 2.7.0 to fix strong name issue. No code changes.

2.7.0 (2016-08-01)

  • First non-beta release with .NET Core support.
  • The tests now use the .NET Core NUnit runner. Pull request by Adeel Mujahid. GitHub #68.
  • Updated documentation to clarify what the accuracy radius refers to.

2.7.0-beta2 (2016-06-02)

  • Added handling of additional error codes that the web service may return.
  • Update for .NET Core RC2. Pull request by Adeel Mujahid. GitHub #64.

2.7.0-beta1 (2016-05-15)

  • .NET Core support. Switched to dotnet/cli for building. Pull request by Adeel Mujahid. GitHub #60.
  • Updated documentation to reflect that the accuracy radius is now included in City.

2.6.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Added support for the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.

2.6.0-beta3 (2016-02-10)

  • Try-based lookup methods were added to DatabaseReader as an alternative to the existing methods. These methods return a boolean indicating whether the record was found rather than throwing an exception when it is not found. Pull request by Mani Gandham. GitHub #31, #50.

2.6.0-beta2 (2016-01-18)

  • Parameterless endpoint methods were added to WebServiceClient. These return the record for the requesting IP address using the me endpoint as documented in the web services API documentation.
  • The target framework is now .NET 4.5 rather than 4.5.2 in order to work better with Mono. GitHub #44.

2.6.0-beta1 (2016-01-18)

  • Upgrade MaxMindb.Db reader to 2.0.0-beta1. This includes significant performance increases.

2.5.0 (2015-12-04)

  • IMPORTANT: The target framework is now 4.5.2. Microsoft is ending support for 4.0, 4.5, and 4.5.1 on January 12, 2016. Removing support for these frameworks allows us to remove the dependency on the BCL libraries and fixes several outstanding issues. Closes #38, #39, #40, and #42.
  • The assembly version was bumped to 2.5.0.
  • Classes subclassing NamedEntity now have a default locale of en. This allows the Name property to be used (for English names) when the object is deserialized from JSON. Closes #41.
  • The locale parameter for the DatabaseReader and WebServiceClient constructors is now an IEnumerable<string> rather than a List<string>.
  • The tests now use NUnit 3.

2.4.0 (2015-09-23)

  • Updated MaxMind.Db to 1.2.0.

2.4.0-beta1 (2015-09-10)

  • Async support was added to the WebServiceClient. Each web-service end point now has a corresponding *Async(ip) method. GitHub #1.
  • Use of RestSharp was replaced by HttpWebRequest for synchronous HTTP requests and HttpClient for asynchronous requests. Microsoft BCL libraries and System.Net.Http are used to provide async/await and HttpClient support on .NET 4.0. GitHub #33.
  • The library now has a strong name.

2.3.1 (2015-07-21)

  • Upgrade to MaxMind.Db 1.1.0.
  • Fix serialization on exceptions.

2.3.1-beta1 (2015-06-30)

  • Upgrade to Json.NET 7.0.1.
  • Upgrade to MaxMind.Db 1.1.0-beta1. This release includes a number of significant improvements for the memory-mapped file mode.

2.3.0 (2015-06-29)

  • AverageIncome and PopulationDensity were added to the Location model for use with the new fields in GeoIP2 Insights.
  • IsAnonymousProxy and IsSatelliteProvider in MaxMind.GeoIP2.Model.Traits have been deprecated. Please use our GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database to determine whether an IP address is used by an anonymizing service.

2.2.0 (2015-05-19)

  • All of the database methods in DatabaseReader and all of the web service methods in WebServiceClient now have a counterpart that takes an IPAddress instead of a string. Pull request by Guillaume Turri. GitHub #24.
  • The JsonIgnore attribute was added to Names in NamedEntity and Subdivisions in AbstractCityResponse as these were already exposed to JSON.NET through the private field backing them. Pull request by Dan Byrne GitHub #21.
  • The interfaces IGeoIP2DatabaseReader and IGeoIP2WebServicesClient were added to facilitate dependency injection and mocking. Pull request by Naz Soogund. GitHub #22.
  • A HasCoordinates getter was added to the Location class. This will return true if both the Latitude and Longitude have values. Pull request by Darren Hickling. GitHub #23.
  • All of the response and model properties now set the appropriate JsonProperty rather than relying an JSON.NET's automatic matching. Serializing these objects should now product JSON much more similar to the JSON returned by the web service and internal structure of the data in database files.
  • Dependencies were updated to most recent versions.

2.1.0 (2014-11-06)

  • Added support for the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database. The DatabaseReader class now has an AnonymousIP() method which returns an AnonymousIPResponse object.

2.0.0 (2014-09-29)

  • First production release.

0.5.0 (2014-09-24)

  • The deprecated CityIspOrg and Omni methods were removed.
  • DatabaseReader methods will now throw an InvalidOperationException when called for the wrong database type.
  • DatabaseReader now has a Metadata property that provides an object containing the metadata for the open database.

0.4.0 (2014-07-22)

  • The web service client API has been updated for the v2.1 release of the web service. In particular, the CityIspOrg and Omni methods on WebServiceClient have been deprecated. The City method now provides all of the data formerly provided by CityIspOrg, and the Omni method has been replaced by the Insights method.
  • Support was added for the GeoIP2 Connection Type, Domain, and ISP databases.

0.3.3 (2014-06-02)

  • Constructors with named parameters were added to the model and response classes. (Jon Wynveen)

0.3.2 (2014-04-09)

  • A constructor taking a Stream was added to DatabaseReader.
  • Fixed dependency on wrong version of Newtonsoft.Json.

0.3.1 (2014-02-13)

  • Fixed broken error handling. Previously the wrong exceptions and error messages were returned for some web service errors.

0.3.0 (2013-11-15)

  • API CHANGE: Renamed exceptions to remove GeoIP2 prefixes.
  • Improved error messages when RestSharp does not return an HTTP status code.

0.2.0 (2013-10-25)

  • First release with GeoIP2 database support. See DatabaseReader class.

0.1.1 (2013-10-04)

  • Build documentation.

0.1.0 (2013-09-20)

  • Initial release.