The following are instructions on how to prepare a conda env (python virtual environment) to then compile Quantum ESPRESSO and Yambo, and run parallel calculations.
conda create -n codes python=3.11
conda activate codes
Once activated the environment, you can proceed with the following sections. Each time you run a calculation, you need the environment to be activated, to have the correct modules...
conda install openmpi hdf5=*=*openmpi* fftw=*=*openmpi* libxc=*=*cpu* libnetcdf=*=*openmpi* netcdf-fortran=*=*openmpi* libblas lapack scalapack gfortran
conda install -c conda-forge ucx # to have correct MPI communication setup and run in parallel.
OR conda install yambo, to directly download the executables from the conda-forge... but I prefer to compile it by hands (see below sections).
Download the Quantum ESPRESSO source from gitlab
./install/configure --with-hdf5 --enable-openmp
If you have problems with blacs, just deactivate scalapack support (as done below for kcp).
A comment on the configure: conda install the dynamic netcdf lib (you know it noticing that in the lib, it is *.so and not *.a, the latter being the static version. Yambo by default does not find the dynamical one, you have to explicitely tell him. like in the line below.)
export PATH_YAMBO_LIB="/home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/" # the path to your venv: check it via "conda env list"
./configure --enable-mpi --enable-open-mp --with-fft-path=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB --with-hdf5-path=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB --with-netcdf-libs=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB/lib/ --with-netcdff-libs=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB/lib/ --disable-hdf5-par-io --with-libxc-path=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB --with-scalapack-libs=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB/lib/ --with-blacs-libs=$PATH_YAMBO_LIB/lib/ --enable-par-linalg
Follow this, if you have trouble in running in parallel:
mpirun --mca btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism none -np 2 /home/jovyan/codes/q-e-kcw/bin/pw.x < > prova.out
^C^C(codes) jovyan@6f222c4867e7:~/work/koopmans_calcs/interface_yambo/trial_Si/BANDS/KI_uniq$ mpirun --mca btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism 0 -np 2 /home/jovyan/codes/q-e-kcw/bin/pw.x < > prova.out
An invalid value was supplied for an enum variable.
Variable : btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism
Value : 0
Valid values : 1:"cma", 4:"emulated", 3:"none"
WARNING: Linux kernel CMA support was requested via the
btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism MCA variable, but CMA support is
not available due to restrictive ptrace settings.
The vader shared memory BTL will fall back on another single-copy
mechanism if one is available. This may result in lower performance.
Local host: 6f222c4867e7
Download the last version of the code. I suppose you are compiling the code in the same conda environment described above.
git clone
cd koopmans-kcp
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/lib # this is fundamental
./configure --with-scalapack=no MPIF90=mpif90
Before, I was launching ./configure BLAS_LIBS="-L/home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/lib -lopenblas" LAPACK_LIBS="-L/home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/lib -llapack" FFT_LIBS="-L/home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/lib -lfftw3" --with-scalapack=no MPIF90=mpif90
, but in this way it does not put
in the make.sys... is like it is not putting the flags because you don't allow a checking, you provide explicitely the path.
Then modify the newly generated make.sys
IFLAGS = -I/home/jovyan/codes/koopmans-kcp/include -I/home/jovyan/codes/koopmans-kcp/iotk/include
MODFLAGS = -I./ -I/home/jovyan/codes/koopmans-kcp/Modules -I/home/jovyan/codes/koopmans-kcp/iotk/src
Otherwise it will not find the modules and iotk library. Then:
make kcp # not in parallel.
This happens when we run mpirun asking for more processes than the available slots.
Just look for the /home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/etc/openmpi-default-hostfile
find /home/jovyan/.conda/envs/codes/* -name *hostfile
and add this line:
localhost slots=24
rm /dev/shm/vader*