Dynamic, based on ORBSLAM, environment camera assist
This year, the author is aquired at the School of Software, Tsinghua University.Here is the JIKAO coding exercise .
No.5 solution to non-targeted attack in IJCAI-2019 Alibaba Adversarial AI Challenge (AAAC 2019))
mingsjtu / 2048-api
Forked from duducheng/2048-apiA 2048 api for training supervised learning (imitation learning) or reinforcement learning agents
Reliability Assessment of RS485 Multi-machine Communication System
A system detect fatigue of drivers using face feature on raspberry 3B or PC
A Simple But High-accuracy LSTM for human Action Recognition
Educational API for developing ML (imitation learning or reinforcement learning) agents to play game 2048
A tutorial for MNIST handwritten digit classification using sklearn, PyTorch and Keras.