This file keeps a log of version releases. This file is maintained following best practices about changelogs.
- Each significant change should be described in the "Unreleased" section
- Entry versions should follow the following:
- Syntax:
- [X.Y.Z] - YYYY-MM-DD (Short description)
- Convention:
- For X.Y.Z, increment the digit following this scheme:
- X = breaking change (previous version is now deprecated),
- Y = additive change (previous version is still valid),
- Z = just a simple patch (for a typo or error).
- For X.Y.Z, increment the digit following this scheme:
- Syntax:
- When the new version is released, a new [Unreleased] section is created in the "Release Change History" below, as a placeholder for the next version.
- Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Hexagonal Architecture, in Architecture
- Added intro for main sections: "Non-technical skills", "General technical knowledge" and "Field-specific technical knowledge"
- "Principles" to "Programming principles", in "General technical knowledge"
- Titles of all sections changed to Sentence case (also in index)
- "Engage in constructive decisions" -> "Be constructive"; in Teamwork
- IAM, Authentication and Authorization; under Security
- Language-theory knowledge, under a new "Other general technical knowledge" section (includes regex)
- Stack vs Heap, under Data Structures
- Non-relational databases, under back-end development
- Message brokers, under back-end development
- Pagination, under front-end development
- Cryptographic protocols (TLS, SSL), in Security
- Relevant internet protocols, in Architecture
- Service Mesh, in Architecture
- Data modeling, in Architecture
- Processes vs Threads, under Infrastructure
- Web servers and reverse proxies, under Infrastructure
- Monitoring and Observability, under Infrastructure
- Immutability, in Functional Programming, within Principles
- Client-side rendering (CSR) vs server-side rendering (SSR), in front-end development
- Browser events, under front-end development
- Profiling, under Optimization
- Artifact repositories and image registries, in DevOps practices
- Improved introduction to better reflect the importance of evergreen skills and portable technical knowledge
- Improved license note
- Grouped the "be rational and facts-based" entry into Critical Thinking, with link to its definition
- Renamed "master-slave" to "Controller-agent / Primary-replica"
- Improved Peer Code Review best practice adding TL;DR note
- Links for "control structures" and "boolean algebra"
- Significant improvements to Clean Code section
- Split Architecture and Infrastructure
- Monolith vs Microservices, in Architecture
- Concurrency is now part of "Other general technical knowledge"
- Replaced "system tests" with "end-to-end tests"
- Scaling and optimization section. Optimization is now under "Other general technical knowledge" and the scaling-related bullets are part of Infrastructure
[3.0.0] - 2020-11-30 (Grouping tech vs non-tech skills; plus adding multiple links and style improvements)
- Specific link on the importance of proper use of threads in chat apps
- Link on Pair Programming best practices
- Link to Agile Software Development principles
- Link on the importance of empathy
- Link to the example of time estimates on "avoid creating false expectations"
- Multiple new problem-solving skills, with links
- Links on SOLID and GRASP
- Added package managers and dependency hell to "Dependency management"
- Added link on "Continuous Delivery vs Deployment"
- Enhanced "Infrastructure as code" with configuration and docs. Added link to "Everything as code" article
- CI process running in CodeShip to perform spelling checks
- Top level grouping now divided between technical and non-technical skills
- Most abbreviations now have the full meaning next to them
- Links are now set as text anchors in most cases (instead of separate in parentheses as before)
- Fixed some typos
- Markup improvements: All titles have the same case (capitalized) and always a blank line afterwards
- Minor improvements to changelog and typo fixed in contributing guideline
- .
- Architecture and Infrastructure section
- Security section
- "Semantic versioning", included in the "Clean Code" section
- "Dependency management", in the "Collaboration and SCM" section
- "Control structures and Boolean algebra", into "Principles"
- "Imperative vs declarative programming", included in the principles section, with a reference article
- Back-end section: minor changes to existing items and added some new concepts (e.g. "session handling" and "database design")
- Split "Principles" section, creating also "Data Structures"
- Included a link to e-mail and chat (Slack) communication best practices
- Linked to article about the productivity cost of interruptions
- .
- First draft including 3 groups of skills: core (aka "soft"), innovation & (self-)management
- Table of contents
- Introduction, purpose and work-in-progress disclaimer
- Contributing guidelines, code of conduct and templates for PRs and issues