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SparseML Hugging Face Integration

This directory explains how to use SparseML's transformers integration to train inference-optimized sparse NLP models on your dataset.

There are two main workflows enabled by SparseML:

  • Sparse Transfer Learning - fine-tune a pre-sparsified checkpoint on your own dataset [RECOMMENDED]
  • Sparsification from Scratch - apply pruning and quantization to sparsify transformer models from scratch

Once trained, SparseML enables you to export models to the ONNX format, such that they can be deployed with DeepSparse.


Install with pip:

pip install sparseml[transformers]


Use Case Examples - CLI

Use Case Examples - Python

Quick Tour


SparseZoo is an open-source repository of pre-sparsified models, including BERT-base, BERT-large, RoBERTa-base, RoBERTa-large, and DistillBERT. With SparseML, you can fine-tune these pre-sparsified checkpoints onto custom datasets (while maintaining sparsity) via sparse transfer learning. This makes training inference-optimized sparse models almost identical to your typical training workflows!

Check out the available models


Recipes are YAML files that encode the instructions for sparsifying a model or sparse transfer learning. SparseML accepts the recipes as inputs, parses the instructions, and applies the specified algorithms and hyperparameters during the training process.

In such a way, recipes are the declarative interface for specifying which sparsity-related algorithms to apply!

SparseML Python API

Because of the declarative, recipe-based approach, you can add SparseML to your transformers training pipelines via SparseML's Trainer class.

Inheriting from the familiar Hugging Face Trainer, SparseML's Trainer extends the functionality to enable passing a recipe. This allows you to specify the sparsity related algorithms and hyperparameters that should be applied in the training process. SparseML's Trainer parses the recipe and adjusts the training loop to apply the specified algorithms.

As such, you can swap the SparseML Trainer into your existing transformers training pipelines, leveraging Hugging Face's friendly utilities like Model Hub, AutoTokenizers, AutoModels, and datasets in concert with SparseML's sparsity-related algorithms!

The following demonstrates sample usage:

from sparseml.transformers.sparsification import Trainer, TrainingArguments

def run_training(model, model_path, recipe_path, training_args, dataset, tokenizer, compute_metrics):
    # setup training loop based on recipe
    trainer = Trainer(

    # run training

Note that the model, training_args, dataset, tokenizer, and compute_metrics function are all standard Hugging Face classes. We simply swap in the SparseML Trainer and TrainingArguments and pass a recipe and we are off and running!

Check out the tutorials for actual working examples using the Trainer class.

SparseML CLI

In addition to the code-level API, SparseML offers pre-made training pipelines for common NLP tasks via the CLI interface.

The CLI enables you to kick-off training runs with various utilities like dataset loading and pre-processing, checkpoint saving, metric reporting, and logging handled for you. Appending the --help argument will provide a full list of options for training in SparseML:

sparseml.transformers.[task] --help


--output_dir:                  The directory in which to store the outputs from the training runs such as results, the trained model, and supporting files.
--model_name_or_path:          The path or SparseZoo stub for the model to load for training.
--recipe:                      The path or SparseZoo stub for the recipe to use to apply sparsification algorithms or sparse transfer learning to the model.
--distill_teacher:             The path or SparseZoo stub for the teacher to load for distillation.
--dataset_name or --task_name: The dataset or task to load for training.

Currently supported tasks include:

  • masked_language_modeling
  • text_classification
  • token_classification
  • question_answering

Quick Start: Sparse Transfer Learning with the CLI

Sparse Transfer Learning Overview

Sparse Transfer is very similiar to the typical transfer learing process used to train NLP models, where we fine-tune a checkpoint pretrained on a large upstream dataset using masked language modeling onto a smaller downstream dataset. With Sparse Transfer Learning, however, we simply start the fine-tuning process from a pre-sparsified checkpoint and maintain sparsity while the training process occurs.

Here, we will fine-tune a 90% pruned version of BERT from the SparseZoo onto SST2.

Kick off Training

We will use SparseML's sparseml.transformers.text_classification training script.

To run sparse transfer learning, we first need to create/select a sparsification recipe. For sparse transfer, we need a recipe that instructs SparseML to maintain sparsity during training and to quantize the model.

For the SST2 dataset, there is a transfer learning recipe available in SparseZoo, identified by the following SparseZoo stub:


Here is what the recipe looks like:

version: 1.1.0

# General Variables
num_epochs: &num_epochs 13
init_lr: 1.5e-4
final_lr: 0

qat_start_epoch: &qat_start_epoch 8.0
observer_epoch: &observer_epoch 12.0
quantize_embeddings: &quantize_embeddings 1

distill_hardness: &distill_hardness 1.0
distill_temperature: &distill_temperature 2.0

weight_decay: 0.01

# Modifiers:
  - !EpochRangeModifier
      end_epoch: eval(num_epochs)
      start_epoch: 0.0
  - !LearningRateFunctionModifier
      start_epoch: 0
      end_epoch: eval(num_epochs)
      lr_func: linear
      init_lr: eval(init_lr)
      final_lr: eval(final_lr)

  - !QuantizationModifier
      start_epoch: eval(qat_start_epoch)
      disable_quantization_observer_epoch: eval(observer_epoch)
      freeze_bn_stats_epoch: eval(observer_epoch)
      quantize_embeddings: eval(quantize_embeddings)
      quantize_linear_activations: 0
      exclude_module_types: ['LayerNorm', 'Tanh']
        - bert.embeddings
        - bert.encoder
        - bert.pooler
        - classifier

  - !DistillationModifier
     hardness: eval(distill_hardness)
     temperature: eval(distill_temperature)
     distill_output_keys: [logits]

  - !ConstantPruningModifier
      start_epoch: 0.0
      params: __ALL_PRUNABLE__

  - !SetWeightDecayModifier
      start_epoch: 0.0
      weight_decay: eval(weight_decay)

The key Modifiers for sparse transfer learning are the following:

  • ConstantPruningModifier instructs SparseML to maintain the sparsity structure of the network during the fine-tuning process
  • QuantizationModifier instructs SparseML to apply quantization aware training to quantize the weights over the final epochs
  • DistillationModifier instructs SparseML to apply model distillation at the logit layer

Run the following to fine-tune the 90% pruned BERT model on the SST2 dataset:

sparseml.transformers.text_classification \
  --output_dir pruned_quantized_obert-text_classification_sst2 \
  --model_name_or_path zoo:nlp/masked_language_modeling/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/wikipedia_bookcorpus/pruned90-none \
  --recipe zoo:nlp/sentiment_analysis/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/sst2/pruned90_quant-none \
  --distill_teacher zoo:nlp/sentiment_analysis/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/sst2/base-none \
  --task_name sst2 --max_seq_length 128 --per_device_train_batch_size 32 --per_device_eval_batch_size 32 --preprocessing_num_workers 6 \
  --do_train --do_eval --evaluation_strategy epoch --fp16  \
  --save_strategy epoch --save_total_limit 1

Let's discuss the key arguments:

  • --task sst2 specifies the dataset to train on (in this case SST2). You can pass any GLUE task to the --task command. Check out the use case pages for passing a custom dataset.

  • --model_name_or_path zoo:nlp/masked_language_modeling/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/wikipedia_bookcorpus/pruned90-none specifies the starting checkpoint for the training process. Here, we passed a SparseZoo stub, which identifies the 90% pruned BERT model in the SparseZoo. The script downloads the PyTorch model to begin training. In addition to SparseZoo stubs, you can also pass a local path to a PyTorch checkpoint.

  • --recipe zoo:nlp/sentiment_analysis/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/sst2/pruned90_quant-none specifies the transfer learning recipe. In this case, we passed a SparseZoo stub, which instructs SparseML to download a premade SST2 transfer learning recipe. In addition to SparseZoo stubs, you can also pass a local path to a YAML recipe.

  • --distill_teacher zoo:nlp/sentiment_analysis/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/sst2/base-none is an optional argument that allows you to apply model distillation during fine-tuning. Here, we pass SparseZoo stub (ending in base_none, specifying the dense version) which pulls a dense BERT model trained on SST2 from the SparseZoo. In addition to SpareseZoo stubs, you can also pass a local path to a PyTorch checkpoint.

The script uses the SparseZoo stubs to identify and download the starting checkpoint and recipe file. SparseML then parses the transfer learning recipe and adjusts the training loop to maintain sparsity during the fine-tuning process. It then kicks off the transfer learning run.

The resulting model is 90% pruned and quantized, and achieves 92% validation accuracy on SST2!

Aside: Dense Teacher Creation

You will notice that we passed a --distill_teacher argument to the training loop above. This is an optional argument, but distillation can help to improve accuracy during the transfer learning process. Above, we used a SparseZoo stub to download a teacher model from the Zoo. However, you can also train your own teacher model. While you are free to train the teacher in whatever manner you want, you can also use the SparseML training script.

Run the following to fine-tune a dense BERT model from the SparseZoo on the SST2 dataset:

sparseml.transformers.text_classification \
  --output_dir dense_obert-text_classification_sst2 \
  --model_name_or_path zoo:nlp/masked_language_modeling/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/wikipedia_bookcorpus/base-none \
  --recipe zoo:nlp/sentiment_analysis/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/sst2/base-none \
  --task_name sst2 --max_seq_length 128 --per_device_train_batch_size 32 --per_device_eval_batch_size 32 --preprocessing_num_workers 6 \
  --do_train --do_eval --evaluation_strategy epoch --fp16 --seed 20811 \
  --save_strategy epoch --save_total_limit 1

The resulting model achieves 92.9% validation accuracy.

To use the locally trained dense teacher, update the sparse transfer command to use --distill_teacher ./dense_obert-text_classification_sst2.

Note that we still passed --recipe zoo:nlp/sentiment_analysis/obert-base/pytorch/huggingface/sst2/base-none during dense training. You will notice that the SparseZoo stub ends in base-none. This identifies a transfer learning recipe that was used to train the dense model.

You can see that this recipe contains only hyperparameters for the learing rate and number of epochs:

version: 1.1.0

# General Variables
num_epochs: 2
init_lr: 2e-5 
final_lr: 0

# Modifiers:
  - !EpochRangeModifier
      end_epoch: eval(num_epochs)
      start_epoch: 0.0
  - !LearningRateFunctionModifier
    start_epoch: 0
    end_epoch: eval(num_epochs)
    lr_func: linear
    init_lr: eval(init_lr)
    final_lr: eval(final_lr)

As such, SparseML does not apply any sparsity related algorithms, so the training occurs as usual.

Export to ONNX

The SparseML installation provides a sparseml.transformers.export_onnx command that you can use to export the model to ONNX. Be sure the --model_path argument points to your trained model:

sparseml.transformers.export_onnx \
  --model_path ./pruned_quantized_obert-text_classification_sst2 \
  --task text_classification

The command creates a ./deployment folder in your local directory, which contains the ONNX file and necessary Hugging Face tokenizer and configuration files.

DeepSparse Deployment

Now that the model is in an ONNX format, it is ready for deployment with the DeepSparse.

Run the following command to install it:

pip install deepsparse

DeepSparse Pipelines

The Python code below gives an example for using the DeepSparse Pipeline API with sentiment analysis. Be sure to change out the model_path argument for the model folder of your trained model:

from deepsparse import Pipeline

# create pipeline, compile model
model_path = "./deployment"
sa_pipeline = Pipeline.create(task="sentiment-analysis", model_path=model_path)

# run inference with deepsparse making the predictions on the CPU!
inference = sa_pipeline("I love using DeepSparse to speed up my inferences")
# >> labels=['positive'] scores=[0.9972139000892639]