This folder contains various research projects using SparseML.
They are not intended to be actively maintained and may require specific versions of SparseML and dependencies.
All subfolders contain a requirements file to guarantee reproducibility.
Implementations that are popular or show promising results will be productized into the SparseML src
code and integrations
To run any research projects, cd into the desired project's directory and install from the requirements.txt file using the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If any issues are encountered, first try starting from a new virtual environment and install the requirements:
virtualenv -p python3 venv
If there are continued issues, contact the author(s) indicated at the top of the README of each project's directory.
Coming soon!
Each research project structure should abide by the following standards: - readme file
requirements.txt - python requirements file
*.py - files to run the implementation
The readme file should follow the given template:
# Title
Author: @github_username
Summary text
## Usage
A usage description that highlights how to use and run the research, including any command-line commands, notebooks, APIs, etc.
## Results
A results section that highlights anything notable from the research, including paper citation links.
### requirements.txt
Generated at the last working state for the repo by running the following command:
pip freeze > requirements.txt