There are four concepts you need to know about.
- The
root directory
.- This directory contains the ue4ss dll file.
- The
working directory
.- This directory contains configuration and mod files and is located inside the
root directory
- This directory contains configuration and mod files and is located inside the
- The
game directory
.- This directory usually contains a small executable with the name of your game and a folder with the same name.
- This executable is not your actual game but instead it's just a small wrapper that starts any 3rd party launcher such as Steam or if there is none then it launches the real executable.
- Example of a
game directory
:D:\Games\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\
- The
game executable directory
.- This directory contains the real executable file for your game and is not part of the UE4SS directory structure.
- Example of a
game executable directory
:D:\Games\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\
You can install UE4SS in a couple of different ways.
Using method #1 will mean that the
root directory
andworking directory
are treated as one single directory that happens to also be the same directory as yourgame executable directory
The preferred and most straightforward way to install UE4SS is to choose the ue4ss_xinput
download and then just drag & drop all the necessary files into the game executable directory
Now all you need to do is start your game and UE4SS will automatically be injected.
Using method #2 will mean that the
root directory
andworking directory
are treated as one single directory that happens to also be the same directory as yourgame executable directory
but any directory may be used.
Following the download of ue4ss_xinput
, delete xinput1_3.dll
. Afterwards, launch the game and manually inject ue4ss.dll
using your injector of choice.
This method is a way to install UE4SS in one place for all your games. Simply extract the zip file in any directory outside the game directory
, this is what's known as the root directory
You will then create a folder inside with the name of your game and drag UE4SS-settings.ini
in to it, this is what's known as the working directory
If the path to your game executable is
D:\Games\Epic Games\SatisfactoryEarlyAccess\FactoryGame\Binaries\Win64\FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe
Then the name of your working directory
should be SatisfactoryEarlyAccess
This directory will be automatically found and used by UE4SS if it exists.
As of UE4SS 2.6, the following files & folders exist inside the working directory
- Mods
- Mod folders
- mods.txt
- UE4SS-settings.ini
- UE4SS.log
- ue4ss.dll
- xinput1_3.dll (Optional proxy dll when using Method #1. Can be any DLL name.)
Now all you need to do is start your game and point your injector of choice to <root directory>/ue4ss.dll
If you use method #3, if you keep a copy of UE4SS-settings.ini
inside the root directory
then this file will act as a default for all the games that don't have a working directory
as long as you still point your injector to the root directory
This way you can use method #3 for most of your games and at the same time you can use method #2 for other games if method #3 is problematic for you.