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maurerr / Entware
Forked from Entware/EntwareUltimate repo for embedded devices
diversenok / pdbex
Forked from wbenny/pdbexpdbex is a utility for reconstructing structures and unions from the PDB into compilable C headers
offhub / sandboxie-docs
Forked from sandboxie-plus/sandboxie-docsSandboxie Documentation
offhub / qt-sbie-builds
Forked from LumitoLuma/qt-sbie-buildsOpen source Qt LTS builds for Windows
offhub / Sandboxie
Forked from sandboxie-plus/SandboxieSandboxie Plus & Classic
dnSpyEx / dnSpy
Forked from dnSpy/dnSpyUnofficial revival of the well known .NET debugger and assembly editor, dnSpy
Portable OpenSSH, all Win32-OpenSSH releases and wiki are managed at
zero-peak / ZeroOmega
Forked from FelisCatus/SwitchyOmegaManage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
xanasoft / qt-builds
Forked from LumitoLuma/qt-sbie-buildsOpen source Qt LTS builds for Windows
Integration with Steam for Galaxy
Automatically retrive VirtualDesktop API's GUID & Com Interface. To be used together with
Content for
nzbget-ng / nzbget
Forked from nzbget/nzbgetEfficient Usenet Downloader
hwtnb / SylphyHornPlusWin11
Forked from Grabacr07/SylphyHornVirtual Desktop Tools for Windows 11 and 10.
Hinara / linux-vm-tools
Forked from microsoft/linux-vm-toolsHyper-V Linux Guest VM Enhancements
idrassi / HashCheck
Forked from gurnec/HashCheckHashCheck Shell Extension for Windows with added SHA2, SHA3, and multithreading; originally from
ondrejvrabel / ipvfoobar
Forked from pmarks-net/ipvfooDisplay the current page's IP version and address in Chrome
Open-Shell / Open-Shell-Menu
Forked from coddec/Classic-ShellClassic Shell Reborn.
A Docker image for a non-censoring, non-logging, DNSSEC-capable, DNSCrypt-enabled DNS resolver
Plazmaz / Sublist3r
Forked from aboul3la/Sublist3rFast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers
git-for-windows / git
Forked from git/gitA fork of Git containing Windows-specific patches.
Genoil / cpp-ethereum
Forked from ethereum/aleth[Warning: Repo inactive] Ethereum GPU miner with OpenCL, CUDA and stratum support
AKA "GIBBERBOT" Off-the-Record Encrypted Chat App