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Semantic Convention Constants

This package contains constants representing the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions. They are automatically generated from definitions in the specification.


To generate the constants you can use the gensemconv make target. You must provide the path to the root of a clone of the semantic-conventions repository in the SPECPATH variable and the version of the conventions to generate in the SPECTAG variable.

$ make gensemconv SPECPATH=/tmp/semantic-conventions SPECTAG=v1.22.0
Generating semantic convention constants from specification version v1.22.0 at /tmp/semantic-conventions
.tools/semconvgen -o semconv/v1.22.0 -t semconv/template.j2 -s v1.22.0 -i /tmp/semantic-conventions/model/. --only=resource -p conventionType=resource -f generated_resource.go
.tools/semconvgen -o semconv/v1.22.0 -t semconv/template.j2 -s v1.22.0 -i /tmp/semantic-conventions/model/. --only=event -p conventionType=event -f generated_event.go
.tools/semconvgen -o semconv/v1.22.0 -t semconv/template.j2 -s v1.22.0 -i /tmp/semantic-conventions/model/. --only=span -p conventionType=trace -f generated_trace.go