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Reco recoluan
Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must.

MeiTuan BeiJing, China

parsa alizadeh pars1383
Computer Engineering student at University of Tehran

University of Tehran Tehran

Matteo Badenchini bade27
Software Engineer


Jawher Kl JawherKl
Hi there 👋 I'm a passionate software engineer with 2+ years of experience in Angular, Node.js, Spring Boot, Symfony, Go and DevOps.

KPG Tunisia

Hong-Tri Nguyen hong3nguyen

Aalto University

Jamie Wright jamiewri

@hashicorp Melbourne, Australia

Alexander Jensen AlexJ-StL
First 2/5 of my career: analytical chemist > middle 1/5: starting businesses > the final 2/5: coding, creating, & being a huge nerd about everything.

St. Louis, Mo

Zohair Moosavi Zohair23

Maynooth University Dublin, Ireland

Muhammad Mamunur Rashid mamunctg
Muhammad Mamunur Rashid is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the South China University of Technology, China.
Juan D Hernández G davoshack
I love to build things with code.

Medellín, Colombia

Amrith htirma
Hooman to Sando 🦊

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Joseph Smith tobecodecook
Student studying distributed systems,Student learning about blockchain,a student studying go rust java and C++ language,a student loving k8s and docker!!
ISAI DunaSpice
AI programmer World

Firmansyah Yanuar fyfirman
Love to tinker with internal tools

Jakarta, Indonesia

Wenchao BAI (白文超) bai-wenchao
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Southeast University Nanjing, Jiangsu, China