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Korn Kutan kornkutan

Bangkok, Thailand

Daniel Gospodinow danielgospodinow
I love creating gadgets that solve annoying problems, and I'm also a software engineer @confluentinc

@confluentinc London, UK

edward edwa-rd
oshw enthusiast - ee undergrad

BC, Canada

邱振(Qiu Zhen) Z1526
Inner Mongolia University of Technology

Inner Mongolia University of Technology

Toni Van de Voorde tonivdv
Developer, SRE & Architect. Love coding, travelling, photography, aviation and most importantly wife and kids

@ibuildingsnl Brussels

Andrew Sayre andrewsayre
Building impactful and innovative products that improve people's lives

Minneapolis, MN

Viraj Sinha vsinha


Teddy derteddy0
dont worry, be happy :)


Kacper Makarewicz Kackackac4
Hey 😃 🇵🇱 Learning !


Luciane lunanie

São Paulo - SP

Reynaldo rahj

TopSecret City of Cebu, the Philippines