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Jackson jacksonrakena

@atlassian Sydney, AU // Wellington, NZ

Carolina carolinaisslaying
A law, criminology and sociology student from Aotearoa who codes in their spare time. Proud to be Kāi Tahu & a trans woman.

@policyflow Wellington, New Zealand

Michael MacAskill m-macaskill

Statistics NZ/University of Otago Christchurch, New Zealand

Rob van der Linde robvdl
I'm a senior developer mostly dealing with Python, Go and Javascript. I manage some smaller Open Source projects as well, some of them under

Catalyst IT New Zealand

Michael O'Grady mogrady-professional
Full Stack Software Engineer 🇮🇪


Salamati healthtools
My name is Salamati and I am a health specialist. With 5 years of experience in the field of physical and mental health
Felix FelixCarroll
Currently a Studying towards a Master of Applied Data Science. Projects found here are either course related or personal projects.

New Zealand

Jany mymai91
I am a Software engineer with 7 years hands-on experience in solid front-end & backend development with Ruby & Rails.

@SiliconJungles Singapore

Devarsh webdev03

New Zealand

Wang, Yourong Frank Sifyrena
Göttingen Astrophysik. Ex-Auckland Cosmology. FWPhys Scientific Inc.

@FWPhys Sol b

Melissa melbather
R-enjoyer, Python-enjoyer, MSc (Statistics) student


Lui Hellesoe GhostBustahs
Consultant by trade, programmer by passion.
Simon Worthington mrchristian
Tag: #NextGenBooks book publishing service @TIBHannover - @NFDI4Culture infra building | Nacht: @semanticClimate - @libereurope #cs4rl | Me: #bookliberationist

Berlin, Germany

Kodie apteryxxyz
kia ora!

New Zealand

Chiwai Chan chiwaichan

Leaven Wellington, New Zealand

Ali Haydar AHaydar
Software Developer | AWS Community Builder

New Zealand

Kamala kamala2dt

Christchurch, New Zealand

CyberFlame CyberFlameGO
This is my (pretty mundane) profile. I'm on Discord: 'cyberflameu'. @CyberFlameGO-old is my old account. He/Him

@CyberFlameGO Wellington, New Zealand

Pete Riches PeterJRiches
ZX81, ZX Spectrum, CP/M, MS-DOS, DR-DOS, Coherent, VAX/VMS, Windows 3.1-etc., NT-etc. SuSE 5.2 was my first GNU/Linux, around 1994.

New Zealand

Dave H davidhodge931

@minhealthnz Wellington, New Zealand