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Arbiter is a tool used for syncing data from Kafka to TiDB incrementally.

The complete import process is as follows:

  1. Read Binlog from Kafka in the format of Protobuf.
  2. While reaching a limit data size, construct the SQL according the Binlog and write to downstream concurrently(notice: Arbiter will split the upstream transaction).
  3. Save the checkpoint.


arbiter will write a record to the table tidb_binlog.arbiter_checkpoint at downstream TiDB.

mysql> select * from tidb_binlog.arbiter_checkpoint;
| topic_name  | ts                 | status |
| test_kafka4 | 405809779094585347 |      1 |
  • topic_name: the topic name of Kafka to consume.
  • ts: the timestamp checkpoint
  • status:
    • 0 All Binlog data <= ts has synced to downstream.
    • 1 means Arbiter is running or quit unexpectedly, Binlog with timestamp bigger than ts may partially synced to downstream.


Arbiter supports metrics collection via Prometheus.


  • binlog_arbiter_checkpoint_tso (Gauge)

    Corresponding to ts in table tidb_binlog.arbiter_checkpoint

  • binlog_arbiter_query_duration_time (Histogram)

    Bucketed histogram of the time needed to wirte to downstream. Labels:

    • type: exec commit time takes to execute and commit SQL.
  • binlog_arbiter_event (Counter)

    Event times counter. Labels:

    • type: e.g. DDL Insert Update Delete Txn
  • binlog_arbiter_queue_size (Gauge)

    Queue size. Labels:

    • name: e.g. kafka_reader loader_input
  • binlog_arbiter_txn_latency_seconds (Histogram)

    Bucketed histogram of the time duration between the time write to downstream and commit time of upstream transaction(phsical part of commitTS).